The name of the Miss Universe Mauritius winner was revealed on 17th September during a glamourous evening organised by Estrella Mauritius at the Caudan Arts Centre in collaboration with Le Défi Life, Le Défi Media Group, Le Défi Training School and the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority. Ornella Laflèche will represent Mauritius on the 68th edition of Miss Universe.
She is gorgeous, smart, confident and an achiever. Ornella Laflèche was crowned Miss Universe Mauritius on Tuesday 17th September during a grand finale of the beauty pageant contest. After two months of preparations, hard work and training, Ornella Laflèche could not hide her happiness and pride on being the winner. Indeed, upon hearing her name on stage, the young woman could not hold her happy tears back. The crown was handed over to her by Varsha Ragoobarsingh, last year’s Miss Universe Mauritius, under the thundering applause of the public.

The Marketing Management student represented the Beau Bassin/Rose Hill region. The 21-year-old Miss Universe Mauritius, who is fond of singing, dancing and cooking, shared that she did feel the stress on the big day but this helped to boost her adrenaline. “It was positive stress. It helped me to focus on what I had to do. Most importantly, I would say that it is a night that I will not forget so soon. It was the best night of my life. I felt that I was on the seventh cloud and I am so grateful to all those who supported me in this journey,” she uttered.
After being selected as one of the top six finalists, the resident of Coromandel had to face the jury panel and answer a question on wildlife and its protection. “The protection of wildlife is essential for the survival of the planet itself. It is a cause that I value very much, so I gave an answer that came from my heart. I must say that the five other finalists were also very powerful and beautiful women. All of us showcased that the Mauritian woman is strong and smart.”

Ornella shares that she aims to break stereotypes regarding beauty pageant competitions. “As newly-crowned Miss Universe Mauritius, I want to show people that it is not only about exterior beauty and wearing a sparkling crown. It is a contest that helps to empower women at all levels and gain more self-confidence. Personally this competition has helped me to grow and gain more maturity. I truly feel empowered,” she utters.
The charming Miss confides that she will now prepare herself to represent Mauritius on the international platform. “My main aim as Miss Universe Mauritius is to give a helping hand to those in need, give a voice to the unheard and focus a lot on social work. However, with Estrella and the organizing committee, we will decide the steps forward to prepare for the grand Miss Universe competition. My goal is to represent our colourful island, its culture and traditions but also our women.” Ornella encourages all young Mauritian women to participate in the contest. “It is not only about beauty. It is also about brains. This competition will help you to broaden your knowledge. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will positively transform your whole life.”

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