With 2 350 students currently enrolled and a solid track record of over 20 000 alumni, the Charles Telfair Campus (CTC), is recognized as the pioneer of tertiary education in Mauritius. Its leading academic partner is Curtin University, ranked in the top 1% of universities in the world (ARWU 2022).
Our vision is to become the region’s leading centre of academic excellence, revered for its modern and passionate approach to teaching and learning. As such, it remains committed to creating a unique environment that fosters academic excellence in a warm, caring and friendly environment.
Our success can be attributed to the following factors:
State-of the art campus : Situated in Moka, our campus offers students a truly world-class learning, teaching and student experience
Academic Partners: The Curtin Mauritius branch campus is unique in that it is the only Australian branch campus in the African region. Curtin University is a truly global university ranked in the top 1% of Universities. In addition to Curtin Degrees, CTC also offers vocational certificates and diplomas from North & South Metropolitan TAFE. CTC has local diploma and degree awarding powers and has a growing range of local awards.
Links with industry: We work closely with over 200 industry partners to ensure our students are provided with industry exposure throughout their studies.
Teaching staff : In addition to possessing a wide range of teaching competencies, most of our academic staff are active researchers and have completed a PhD.
We have two intakes per year, one in February and one July. We are participating in the Career and Learning Lounge organised by Le Defi Media Group on Friday 2 and Saturday 3 September 2022 at Caudan Arts Centre. Our team look forward to meeting parents and potential students so as to guide them in their choice of study programmes and career.

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