News on Sunday

National Women Entrepreneur Council : Award of Certificates Ceremony

National Women Entrepreneur Council

As part of the training of women entrepreneurs, 82 participants received their leadership training certificate from the National Women Entrepreneurs Council in Phoenix. The course took place half a day per week over a period of ten weeks, including an introductory session.

The goal of this programme is to develop women entrepreneurs and leaders who lead or collaborate with NGOs by providing them with the appropriate tools and self-confidence to make positive changes in their business, local community and society in general. The course was delivered in English, French and Creole to ensure that more women at the grassroots level are fully beneficent of this program. Many modules such as life skills, Gender sensitivity, financial facilitation, leadership skills, quality and many more were on the program, which was sponsored entirely by the US Embassy.

Georgina Ragaven, advisor to Mrs Fazeela Daureeawoo, Minister of Gender Equality, Family Welfare and Child Development read the message of the Minister who was absent for the ceremony. According to the minister, the empowerment of women in Mauritius or anywhere else in the world is very necessary to achieve gender equality.

For Anuradha Nunkoo, the President of WIN, this event is very special. “You made the choice to be here, to be part of this program in order to make a positive difference for you, your family and society at large. We are committed to love each other, to persevere in our endeavour and never to give up in the face of any failure that we can face because we have also learned that through failures, we are developing and progressing.”


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