Législatives 2024

Alliance du changement : le Dr Kaviraj Sukon démissionne de l’Open University of Mauritius pour se porter candidat au no.7

Le Dr Kaviraj Sharma Sukon, directeur général de l’Open University, a démissionné de son poste. Il se portera candidat dans la circonscription numéro 7 (Piton/Rivière-du-Rempart), au sein de l’Alliance du Changement, aux prochaines législatives.  Une information qu’il a confirmée au Défi Media Group ce vendredi matin, 11 octobre. 


Ci-dessous un message envoyé aux chargés de cours de l'Open University :

Dear Colleagues,
I hope this message finds you well. Today, I am writing to share with you a significant change in my professional journey. After having had the immense privilege of serving as the Director-General of the Open University of Mauritius since its inception in July 2012, the time has come for me to step down and embark on a new chapter.

Under our collective effort, the Open University of Mauritius has flourished, becoming the leading institution in terms of enrolment throughout Mauritius and achieving financial independence. This remarkable journey—from laying down the initial foundations to witnessing our thriving presence both locally and on the international stage—has been nothing short of extraordinary. For this, I extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Your commitment, dedication, and unwavering support have been the cornerstone of our success.

The decision to resign was not an easy one; however, I believe it is the right time for me to take up a new role in politics, where I aim to continue serving our country with the same fervour and dedication. I am confident that with the competent and visionary team we have in place, the future of the Open University of Mauritius remains bright and promising. I leave knowing that the institution is in excellent hands and will continue to flourish and impact lives positively.

The Open University of Mauritius will always hold a special place in my heart. I am proud of what we have achieved and am excited to see how you all will continue to drive the mission of making quality education accessible to all.

Thank you once again for all your hard work, perseverance, and for the countless memories we have shared. I look forward to hearing about your future successes and hope you will keep in touch.

With warm regards and best wishes,

Dr Kaviraj Sharma Sukon


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