
Affidavit de Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo : SAJ «apporte un démenti catégorique à certaines affirmations»

Le Bureau du Premier ministre sir Anerood Jugnauth a émis un communiqué mercredi après-midi 6 avril commentant l’affidavit juré lundi 4 avril en Cour suprême par le ministre des Affaires étrangères Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo.


Communiqué du Bureau du Premier ministre :

Le Premier ministre apporte un démenti catégorique à certaines affirmations contenues dans l’affidavit du ministre Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo juré en Cour Suprême le lundi 4 avril 2016 et soutient avec force qu’il n’a jamais demandé à être mis au courant du prêt contracté par le ministre auprès de la State Bank et encore moins des conditions de ce prêt. De ce fait, le Premier ministre déclare qu’il est totalement faux d’avancer, comme évoqué dans le paragraphe 15 (xiv) dudit affidavit, qu’il était « satisfied that the loan was in order ». Service de Presse Bureau du Premier ministre 6 avril 2016

Pour mieux comprendre le communiqué du Bureau du Premier ministre, il est bon de souligner que le paragraphe 15 (xiv) de l’affidavit juré par Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo se lit ainsi : «To show my good faith, I did not object to the State Bank of Mauritius Ltd sharing all relevant information to the Honourable Prime Minister about the loan, who after having examined and inspected the said information, was satisfied that the loan was in order.» Au paragraphe précédent de l’affidavit, soit le paragraphe 15 (xiii), Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo déclare que Roshi Bhadain avait informé en décembre 2015 le Premier ministre sir Anerood Jugnauth qu’il [Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo] avait contracté un emprunt. Le paragraphe 15 de l’affidavit de Vishnu Lutchmeenraidoo est consacré au prêt en euros qu’il a contracté auprès de la State Bank of Mauritius (SBM).

Voici le paragraphe 15 de l’affidavit de Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo :

15. In so far as the loan of EURO1.1Millions is concerned, in order to show the bad faith of the Respondent No.3 [Roshi Bhadain] to evict me from the Government , I hereby bring the following the facts, things and matters :- (i) I made a request for a loan EUROS1.1Million in the month of July 2015; (ii) The said request for a loan was made to the State Bank of Mauritius Ltd; (iii) The said loan was finally approved on 11.9.2015 after the State Bank of Mauritius Ltd was satisfied that I fulfilled all the conditions set by the said Bank; (iv) For ease of reference , I hereby annex a copy of the letter dated 11.9.2015 wherein my loan of EUROS1.1Million was approved and marked VL1; (v) It is clear from the said letter that the loan was for EUROS 1.1Million, payable over a period of 2 years with interests at the rate of 1.5 per annum; (vi) The said loan was secured by a fixed charge over my matrimonial property at Beau Bassin; a copy of the said fixed charge is annexed and marked VL2; (vii) The interests are payable on a yearly basis; (viii) The capital to be refunded in one lump sum upon maturity of the loan; (ix) On 19.01.2016, the said loan, at my request was reduced from EUROS1.1Million to EUROS400,000.- under the same conditions; a copy of my letter dated 19.01.2016 to reduce is annexed and marked VL3; (x) On 20.01.2016, the sum of EUROS 700,000.- was debited from my account and paid to the State Bank of Mauritius Ltd; a copy of my statement of account showing the reduction of loan is annexed and marked VL4; (xi) The said loan was brought down at my request to EUROS400,000.- to reduce my exposure; (xii) I have not benefitted from any favour as the rate of interests that I am paying; (xiii) In the month of December 2015, the Respondent No.3 [Roshi Bhadain] informed the Honourable Prime Minister that I had contracted a loan with providing a security; (xiv) To show my good faith, I did not object to the State Bank of Mauritius Ltd sharing all relevant information to the Honourable Prime Minister about the loan, who after having examined and inspected the said information, was satisfied that the loan was in order. Cliquez ici pour lire l’intégralité de l’affidavit de Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo.  

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