According to GlobalPetrolPrices.com, Mauritius is among the only four countries to have revised fuel prices up to more than 4% earlier this month. In addition, the largest increase, which is of 9.9% for gasoline, has been recorded in Mauritius.
Other countries that have revised the price of gasoline upwards include Uganda (9.6%), Cape Verde (4.1%), and South Africa (5.8%). In regards to diesel, Uganda has recorded the largest price increase namely 14.8% followed by Mauritius with 10%. Five countries have not changed prices: Algeria, Cameroon, Egypt, Malawi and Zambia. The new data confirms, for the Consumer Advocacy Platform (CAP), that the recent rises in Mauritius are unjustified.
In addition, according to the website GlobalPetrolPrices.com, the average price of gasoline is $1.16 per litre, which is cheaper than in Mauritius, which is at $ 1.51. The CAP reiterates its demand so that the calculations are made public and that the contribution of Rs 4 per litre is eliminated. Mauritius is among the countries where the price of gasoline is the highest in comparison to countries like Zimbabwe, where the price per litre is at $1.39.
Port Louis municipality not authorising rally
The group named ‘Platforme Pou Baisse Prix l’Essence ek Diesel’ wanted to hold a rally at the Company Garden in Port Louis next Monday to protest against the rising in fuel price. However, the platform did not obtain the authorisation of the City Hall.
On Wednesday, the platform’s spokesperson, Jayen Chellum, condemned this ‘refusal’ from the municipality. “Anyway, the march in the streets of Port Louis is still maintained,” he uttered.

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