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Forum : Que pensez-vous des amendements à l’ICT Act ?

De nombreux internautes se disent inquiets par ces amendements

On vous donne la parole. Vous pouvez donner vos points de vue sur les amendements à l’Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Act (voir plus loin). Ces amendements ont été apportés après le vote au Parlement du Judicial and Legal Provisions Bill le 31 octobre dernier. 


De nombreux internautes se disent inquiets par ces amendements car selon la nouvelle loi, toute personne qui publie un  message ou toute publication sur la Toile «which is likely to cause or cause annoyance, humiliation, inconvenience, distress or anxiety to any person» risque de faire l'objet de poursuites et encourt une peine maximale de dix ans de prison. 

En attendant que la loi soit promulguée, vous pouvez donner vos points de vue sur ce sujet qui suscite la polémique.   

Voici les amendements : 

 The Information and Communication Technologies Act is amended –  
(a) in section 2 –  

(i) by deleting the definition of “message” and replacing it by the following definition –  
“message” includes any communication whether in the form of speech or other sound, data, text, writings, images, signs, signals or code, or in any other form or combination of forms; 

(ii) in the definition of “telecommunication”, by deleting the words “signs, signals, writing, images, sounds” and replacing them by the words “any message”; 

(b) in section 46 –  

(i) in paragraph (ga), by deleting the words “or is likely to cause distress or anxiety” and replacing them by the words “which is likely to cause or cause annoyance, humiliation, inconvenience, distress or anxiety to any person”; 

(ii) in paragraph (h), by repealing subparagraph (ii) and replacing it by the following subparagraph –  

(ii) which is likely to cause or causes annoyance, humiliation, inconvenience, distress or anxiety to that person; 

(iii) by inserting, after paragraph (h), the following new paragraph –  

(ha) uses an information and communication service, including telecommunication service, to impersonate, or by any other means impersonates, another person which is likely to cause or causes annoyance, humiliation, inconvenience, distress or anxiety to that person; 

(c) in section 47(1), by deleting the words “imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years” and replacing them by the words “penal servitude for a term not exceeding 10 years”.

Que pensez-vous de ces amendements ? Nous attendons vos commentaires sur notre site Web ou sur notre page Facebook. 

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