« A Budget in our current state of affairs warrants a balancing act between sacrifice and meeting expectation of people », a déclaré Dorine Chukowry. C'était lors des débats sur le Budget 2020-21 au Parlement ce mercredi.
Pour la PPS, la population a été au cœur des priorités dans le Budget 2020-2021. « This budget is a people budget. It’s a life buoy of human development in all its forms », souligne t-elle. Elle poursuit: « It sets the pace for the consolidation of an enabling environment to sustain social economic growth and stirs the country higher upon away from the economic backslash that Covid-19 brings in its way after the world economy was forced into dormancy. »
Dorine Chukowry insiste : « This budget represents the backbone of our resilience as a nation. We will call upon to collaboratively converge our renewed efforts to bring back the country on track ».

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