This Constituency is divided between the die-hard fans who openly displayed their contentment, along with a group of silent voters. The inhabitants of the Constituency want to see a renewal and hence, they are actively participating in this election. The voters showed their excitement in the afternoon. The voting centres were not even closed that the festive mood was already present among the voters as well the candidates of different parties. Bobby Hureeram, candidate of L’Alliance Morisien, was seen enjoying himself with his supporters.
The Constituency has 39 candidates for the polls. According to the MMM candidate Tonny Apollon, the population of this Constituency are silent where their choices are concerned, except for the die-hards. He is satisfied that there was discipline during the voting process. The running mates of Tonny Apollon are Kishore Pertab and Rooma Bahadoor. On the side of L’Alliance Nationale, Ritesh Ramful seemed to be disturbed by the fact that a number of people has been deprived from voting. “There is a problem somewhere. The names of some families were completely removed.” He is running along with Richard Duval and Avinash Bissessur.
On the side of L’Alliance Morisien, there are Stephan Toussaint, Bobby Hurreeram and Kavi Doolub. Bobby Hurreeram declared that it has been a short and quick campaign. “The population has already decided whom to vote and we need to wait and see the end results.”
Number of electors : 39 274
Voters Turnout : 31 101
Percentage of abstention : 20%

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