Fit and Proper Person
How Rigid is Banking Recruitment?
The banking sector is considered as the driving force for our growth. With recent confusions, nominations and resignation, questions arise whether the Fit and Proper Person Criteria, as set by the Bank of Mauritius, are being used in reality. To what extent do these criteria form an integral part before any recruitment?
World Mental Health Day 2018
Young People in the Grasp of Psychological Disturbances
In the fast evolving world that we are living in today, changes are happening every day and young people especially are easily drifting through the impact of rapid alterations and are becoming vulnerable to this shifting world. Their character being moulded by these changes, sometimes they rush to indulge more and more in acculturating themselves to these facilities that are within easy reach, which according to experts, are behind the causes of mental illnesses like depression, anxiety disorders and many others.
Rita Venkatasawmy, Ombudsperson: “The place of a child is at school, not in a relationship”
The annual report of the Ombudsperson for children for 2017-2018 was launched on Thursday 11th October at the Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre at Bell Village. Fazeela Daureeawoo, the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare and Rita Venkatasawmy, the Ombudsperson, intervened to explain about the relevance of protecting children and contents of the report.
Professor Umesh Kumar Singh: “Learning a language is like learning a whole culture”
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on 30th May 2016 at the MGI between the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) and MGI Institute for the setting up of a Chair in Hindi language at the MGI. In November the same year, Professor Umesh Kumar Singh from Wardha University, India, arrived in Mauritius as Hindi Chair at MGI. Now after two years, Professor Umesh Singh has completed his tenure and is going back to India. I met him to learn about his experience as the first Hindi Chair of Mauritius, what his perception of Mauritius was before coming here and how his thinking has evolved about this place in the past two years.
Diksha Ramdin
An Artist Who Inspires
Inspiration, struggles, success are the main ingredients of an artist. Second year student in Advertising & Visual Communication at Mahatma Gandhi Institute and at the University of Mauritius, Diksha Ramdin is a budding artist. Her drawings and paintings have rewarded her talent, as she has been able to emerge as a winner for various competitions. The queen of painting, Diksha Ramdin, takes us on a trip to discover her colourful life.
Rising Growth, Timid Investment?
Latest figures from Statistics Mauritius paint a rather gloomy picture of the investment sector, showing a major decline in private investment. Private sector investment is expected to record a ‘no growth’ in 2018. On the other hand, public sector investment is on the rise, with many government projects under full swing. So what is driving down private investment?

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