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Saga «Twilight» :  sortie en août de «Midnight Sun», de Stephenie Meyer


Amoureux de loups et de vampires, vous serez bientôt servis. Stephenie Meyer, auteur de la saga Twilight, a annoncé la publication d’un nouveau roman le 4 août prochain.


L’annonce a été faite par la romancière elle-même sur son site.

« I’m happy to announce that Midnight Sun is finally (very close to) ready! And will be in bookstores on August 4th. »

Le livre sera publié par Hachette Romans.  Sur son site en ligne, écrit : « Plus de dix ans après la parution du dernier tome de la saga Twilight, Stephenie Meyer vient d'annoncer la publication d'un nouveau volet le 4 août prochain, aux éditions Hachette Romans. Intitulé « Midnight Sun », il donnera la parole à Edward Cullen au moment de sa rencontre avec Bella Swan ».

C’est donc désormais à Edward de raconter son histoire d’amour avec Bella. précise que : « En effet, la rencontre entre le vampire et celle qu'il finira par épouser sera de nouveau abordée... cette fois à travers le regard d'Edward. Si vous pensiez tout savoir de la relation entre les deux amants, vous risquez d'être surpris (e) ! »

Ci-dessous le message de Stephenie Meyer publié sur son site : 

Dear friends and readers,

First of all, I hope that you and your families are all safe, healthy, and in a good place. That’s the main thing.

Second, I’m happy to announce that Midnight Sun is finally (very close to) ready! And will be in bookstores on August 4th. I hope this announcement doesn’t seem ill-timed; I really considered delaying the release until the world was back to normal.

However, 1) who knows when that will be? And 2) you guys have waited long enough. Much longer than long enough, actually.

I don’t know how everyone else is coping, but right now books are my main solace and happiest escape. Personally, I would be nothing but delighted if one of my favorite authors announced something new for me to read. (No pressure, Laini Taylor.) So, I hope this announcement gave you some pleasure and something fun to look forward to.

Working on a book for more than thirteen years is a strange experience. I’m not the same person I was then. My children have all grown up. My back got weird. The world is a different place. I can only imagine all the things that have changed for you. But completing Midnight Sun has brought back to me those early days of Twilight when I first met many of you. We had a lot of fun, didn’t we? Throwing proms and hanging out in hotel rooms and reading on the beach (while getting the most epic sunburns of our lives). We made hilarious t-shirts and fabulous websites. We found kindred spirits that are still in our lives now. I hope going back to the beginning of Bella’s and Edward’s story reminds you of all that fun, too.

Stay tuned this summer—we have lots more fun things planned. Music (of course), contests, information on the book tour, and more will be posted on this page. I hope to see all of you soon! It’s been too long.



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