
The positioning strategy

This week was quite eventful, ranging from the surprising decision of Mr. Alain Wong to quit the PMSD to the tussle of Labour activists with the Police as Dr. Ramgoolam was to be quizzed by the Central CID.  


The former Prime Minister Dr. Navin Ramgoolam, was very much in the forefront this week as he participated in the last leg of his interrogation by the Central CID, in the case of the coffers containing Rs 220 million, seized at his residence at River Walk, Vacoas on Friday 14 February, 2015. 

He was present at the Police Headquarters, along with his lawyers, Me. Gavin Glover SC, Me. Shaukatally Oozeer SC and Me. Hisham Oozeer, on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. 


Why is there so much hurly-burly about this case? There are two fundamental points regarding this issue. First, Dr. Ramgoolam ran the risk of being arrested once more by the CCID. He knew that he would be earnestly questioned mainly on his per diem and on the US $ 3 million, which were found in his coffers. Indeed, he had to face some fifty questions from the investigators and as usual, he invoked his right to silence. 

Second, most of the provisional charges against Dr. Ramgoolam have been struck off. Along with the Roches Noires case, the coffers case could prove to be a real millstone around his neck. The only way to try to get his neck off the block was to seek popular support, which he did. 

It is interesting to note the nuances in the reply of Mr. Shakeel Mohamed to questions from l’Express. Mr. Mohamed, who is the leader of Labour Parliamentarians at the National Assembly, replied: “If someone from the Government says that this gathering was not spontaneous, I would say obviously it was not so. The leadership of the party knew what it was expecting. We have not organized their transport and so on, but they came.” 

But most importantly, he recognized that the crowd present has forced the Police to backpedal on its decision to arrest Dr. Ramgoolam. When the latter again called on the investigators of the CCID on Wednesday and Thursday, there was much less popular support.

The clash between the Police and the Labour partisans led to the arrest of two demonstrators on the grounds of “opposing police.” The demonstration also gave rise to some awkward situations, like the manu militari expulsion of one of the leaders of the Voice of Hindu (VoH), Mr. Navin Unoop from the Police Headquarters by a Police Officer and the incident between former Minister of Youth and Sports Mr. Devanand Ritoo and an officer of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Metropolitan Police (Southern Division). The officer later gave a statement against Mr. Ritoo.

Interestingly enough, Mr. Ritoo told the media that he ignored that the person was a Police officer and that he thought that he was a bouncer! 

It is worth noting that Dr. Ramgoolam has tried to separate the wheat from the chaff. While addressing Labour supporters, gathered at Guy Rozemont Square, after he was quizzed by Police a second time (on Wednesday), Dr Ramgoolam averred that some sort of popular militia made up of Police officers in civil dress, had infiltrated the crowd with a view to provoke Labour activists. He even added that Police officers clad in uniforms disapproved this move. Till date, the Commissioner of Police has not denied this information that has been widely reported in the press.


It is amazing how the incidents which occurred in front of Line Barracks, Port Louis and the surprising resignation of Mr. Alain Wong from the PMSD on the same day, i.e. on Monday, are intrinsically linked. 

“What is happening these days on the political front is merely an exercise of positioning, whether it is Mr. Alain Wong or Dr Navin Ramgoolam. As long as our political system will be reduced to a musical chair, such things are bound to happen."

As rightly underlined by Professor Sheila Bunwaree, when she participated in “la deuxième partie du Grand Journal” on Radio Plus on Monday, that “la lutte des classes” (class struggle) has been replaced by “la lutte des places” ( place or position struggle).

What is happening these days on the political front is merely an exercise of positioning, whether it is Mr. Alain Wong or Dr Navin Ramgoolam. As long as our political system will be reduced to a musical chair, such things are bound to happen.

That Mrs. Marie Claire Monty would resign from the PMSD was not really a surprise although she sat on the fence for some time. Despite the fact that she chose a Friday 13 to announce her decision, probably to make more impact, it was obvious that she would stay back with the Alliance Lepep. 

Some might argue that she has been lured away by the promise for a ministerial portfolio but others insist that she was never very much at ease within the PMSD. 

As regards, Mr. Wong, it seems that severing the ties with the PMSD was quite painful and that his decision to quit was based on the confusing situation prevailing within the party. It is rumored that he felt humiliated when some party members evoked a few personal matters. Mr. Wong has denied having been offered a ministerial post but the leader of the MSM and current Minister of Finance Mr. Pravind Jugnauth showered panegyrics on him, when talking to the media.  


Talking about the PMSD proper, the going seems to be getting tough. None other than its leader Mr. Xavier-Luc Duval has recognized that such a political hemorrhage is bound to occur when a party quits the government at half-mandate. So far the PMSD has lost three of its members, its former president Mr. Ramalingum Maistry, Mrs. Marie Claire Monty and Mr. Alain Wong. The grapevine has it that Mr Salim Abbas Mamode could be the next one to quit, despite his numerous denials.

That must have definitely prompted Mr. Duval to designate Mrs. Aurore Perraud as chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and Mr. Dan Baboo as Opposition Whip. 

Probably, the best political advice of the week came from the spokesperson of the Mouvement Patriotique (MP) Mr. Alan Ganoo. Speaking at a press conference, he stated that Mr. Duval has been too hasty to accept the post of Leader of the Opposition. He added that Mr. Duval ought to have given himself some time and allow Mr. Paul Bérenger to remain as Leader of the Opposition.

Already, some within the PMSD have openly argued that their leader has protected his rears by falling on a well remunerated post, that of the Leader of the Opposition, while others would have to manage with only their salary as MPs. 

But the most basic question is whether the PMSD has a well-defined strategy? Some within the PMSD are right to ask why the PMSD has tried to hold posts in the municipalities after it left the Government.  Now, is there already a deal with the Labour Party? 

This brings us again to Dr. Ramgoolam. It is obvious that he will try to have it both ways, that is with the PMSD and the MMM. As such, he might end up saving his own skin and getting a junior partner for the next general elections. 

Things look no brighter for the MSM. The party has three main issues to deal with: the stepping down of Sir Anerood Jugnauth as Prime Minister and his subsequent replacement by Mr. Pravind Jugnauth; the discontent of some of its members who do not really approve the way some who have crossed the floor are being warmly welcomed and the increasing appetite of the Muvman Liberater (ML) following the departure of the PMSD.   

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