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Lettre au PM : la FTU réclame des «actions appropriées contre le CP»

La Fédération des travailleurs unis (FTU) a adressé une correspondance au Premier ministre, Pravind Jugnauth, ce lundi 30 mai dans laquelle elle lui demande de « prendre des actions appropriées » contre le Commissaire de Police, Anil Kumar Dip. 


« On Sunday 06 March 2022, a symbolic protest was held at Mahébourg by the F.T.U to denounce bad conditions of employment in hotels and other sectors. This said activity took place without the opposition of the Commissioner of Police. On that day we noted the presence of some Police officers without uniforms and also other ranking officers in our activity. They were very excited towards me and all the workers present. Police even decided that our activity was unlawful and threatened to arrest us. On 08 March 2022 two leaders of the F.T.U made a written complaint at the National Human Rights Commission. The F.T.U notes with great concern that as of today no action has been initiated in this matter », écrit Atma Shanto, le president de la FTU.

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