« Power a Greener Mauritius ». C’était le thème du Digital Power Summit organisé par Huawei Mauritius, qui s’est conclu le 16 décembre. Un événement qui a réuni plusieurs acteurs du secteur.
Ces derniers ont appelé à des initiatives collectives pour alimenter la croissance de la production d’énergie verte et accélérer la transition vers une énergie propre à Maurice et dans toute l’Afrique.
Ci-dessous le communiqué de Huawei Mauritius :
Digitalization can accelerate the transition to a carbon-neutral Island
As Mauritius’s journey towards “carbon neutrality” collectively, it is becoming of more importance to bring digitization in the energy industry to bring about improvement in efficiency and a smart energy facility.
[Ebene, December 16, 2021] The Digital Power Summit, hosted by Huawei Mauritius, concluded on December 16, 2021. With a focus on ''Power a Greener Mauritius'', this virtual event brought together representative from local government, industrial leaders from Huawei global network, Institutional researchers and Associations of Engineering. These notable industry players called for collective actions to fuel the green power generation growth and accelerate the transition to clean energy in Mauritius and across Africa. The summit has attracted more than 100 participants.
The main speakers who participated in the online session were Mr. Rizwan Razaq, Chief Technical Officer of Huawei Middle East Office. Mr. Heeranraj Mohabirsingh, Senior Manager of the Digital Power Division of the Huawei Mauritius Office, Dr. Yatindra Ramgoolam, Senior Lecturer from the University of Mauritius and Dr. Drishtysingh Ramdenee, Director at EDB.
Mr. Zheng Kui, CEO of Huawei Mauritius, said in his welcoming speech: “In line with the same goal and vision which focuses on Leading Power Digitalization for a Zero-carbon Smart Society, Huawei has created the Digital Power division. This new platform can help accelerate "carbon neutrality'' through intelligent technologies for the renewable energy industry.''
“We strongly believe that the integration of digital technologies will unleash the full potential of the renewable energy industry, driving the industry towards its carbon neutrality goals. In order to achieve the latter.” Mr. Zheng added.
As the senior Manager of Digital Energy at Huawei Mauritius, Mr. Heeranraj Mohabirsingh has pointed out the demand for renewables and the integration of renewables in the power system are fundamentally changing the ways we have to operate the energy and the power.
Research and Capacity Building to support the Solar PV Value Chain plays important role in the journey. Dr. Yatindra Ramgolam, Senior Lecturer at University of Mauritius has presented his vision at the summit. “All new PV projects should be designed and implemented in a holistic manner while ensuring safe and reliable operation, and production of electricity at the lowest cost. We need to ensure that the already installed PV systems keep on operating at the optimum level such that the RE share keeps on increasing in Mauritius. For that, we have to build the capacity of the people working in the PV Value Chain and support the capacity building with continuous research in the field of Solar Energy and PV.” Highlighted by Dr. Ramgolam.
Carbon neutrality cannot be achieved if we work alone. Collective efforts are necessary. The impressive turnout at the Huawei Mauritius Digital Power Summit 2021 has highlighted the visions and opportunities in green energy. In response to market demand and the increasing push toward clean energy, Huawei will continue to serve Mauritius Vision 2030 and make sustained contributions to a greener Island.

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