You have certainly noticed it since the beginning of the week. The Défi Media Group website has a brand new look. The website defimedia.info now offers you, with its user-friendly features, facilities to surf and easier access to information. The website has also launched its mobile application.
A brand new look for the best surfing experience: this is the aim behind the relooking of the defimedia.info. The most visited website of the island has, since the beginning of this week, revamped its whole appearance. With its user-friendly features, the website offers internet surfers and readers an easier access to information and easier way to keep up to date with the latest news.
In our rapidly evolving world, it was crucial for the website to review its appearance in order to satisfy daily users. The new website also aims to adapt to new platforms such as tablets and mobiles and along the same line, enhance news published on the website with visual content such as pictures, videos, infographics so as to offer a better visual aspect and comprehension of the news.
The new website, indeed, improves users’ online reading experience. Various features have been added such as direct access to the Defimedia Group’s Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube channel by clicking on the respective icons found on top of right hand side of the website.
It is also easier for users to have access to the various microsites of the Defimedia Group, namely RadioPlus, TelePlus, Defi Deal, Defi Santé, Le Defi Moteurs and Annonces Gratuites.
If you have missed a radio show and debate, or the morning news of Radio Plus or wish to listen to it again, you simply have to click on Podcast. The Podcast icon also found at the top right of the website will give you access to Radio Plus’s programme such as Le Grand Journal, Le Journal des Sports and others.
With this new website, you are able to scroll easily through the different news segments such as Top Stories, Live News, Xplik ou K, Magazine, People as well as News on Sunday, which are found on the left hand side of the website. For example, by clicking on Top Stories, you will have direct access to the news items which are making the headlines and also which are most currently famous online.
If you are someone who likes to keep up to date with the latest news or simply you do not want to miss any piece of news, you simply have to click on the Latest News segment with the bell icon found at the top of the website. Like before, users can also leave their comments on articles by going to the comment box below the articles.
To help the Defimedia Group to continue improving, users are invited to leave their suggestions by clicking on the Suggestion Box icon.

The Defimedia Mobile App
It’s finally here! You can now download and install the defimedia.info application on your smartphone. However, the app is available only on Android for the time being. To download the app, you just have to go to Play Store and search for defimedia.info. Once you’ve installed the app, you can have access to the Défi Media Group’s website from your mobile phone. In addition to latest news items, you will also have access to videos such as ‘Le Journal de Teleplus’ by clicking on Teleplus. The app also allows you to listen live to RadioPlus.
If you missed an edition of your favourite newspaper and wish to have access to it, you simply have to click on ‘ePaper’ found at the top of the Defimedia website. You will be able to download the e-version of the newspaper. For example, if you have not had the chance to grab your copy of News on Sunday of Friday 22nd June, you will be able to download the newspaper 48 hours after publication, that is, on Monday 25th June. This new feature also allows expatriates, foreigners and Mauritians abroad to have access to all the newspapers of the Defimedia Group, namely Le Defi Quotidien, Le Defi Plus, L’Hebdo/Le Dimanche and News on Sunday.

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