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Celebrate Independence Day with poetry

As we are celebrating the 53rd Independence anniversary, what a better way to celebrate our country’s achievement with poetry. We bring you a selection of poems written by young professionals where they have expressed their feeling and love for the country. Have a good read!


Happy Independence Day

To the nation who gets described as,
"Sweet is thy beauty".
To the cultural diversity that creates this.
May we always celebrate our richness,
Being proud of our Four Bands.
May the clouded minds of man,
Never become an accomplice.
Amidst the nation moving as,
"One nation, as one people"
Conveniences or backlashes,
Do not come at our behest.
But at least, we can choose,
To be demolished or to be embellished.
I hope that we continue to grow while being grateful,
Hand in hand, man and woman
Leading to even more proud legacies for Mauritius.
By Yovina T Koossool

Happy Independence Day

nileshHow wonderful is it
To be reminiscent
Of the date going down in history
As a milestone for strength and pride
Can only imagine
The feels of ancestors
Noises of breaking stones
To the sound of breaking free from shackles
Rivers of words suffocated
Out as a sigh of relief
What we take for granted today
Was begged for till yesterday
Strangers run
Gathered as one
Screaming with exhilaration
On streets they dance
With flags in their hands
What it’s known till now is Independence!
How reassuring if we think
It wouldn’t have been restricted
To only one facet
Stated in the constitution as rights
The rigid politics
Still unable to fight injustice
Regardless of the banners made up of sticks
Surrounded with friends and family
Feeling like a stranger
Searching for my identity
In front of the mirror
Tempted to stray
Despite of the conclusion
Sexuality protocols still shining grey
What a sick delusion
Gems we used to treasure
Now in retirement homes
Left on their own
To figure the silver lining
Aiming to do better
As I leave home
Being compared to others
Shouldn’t be my dawn
Don’t judge me for whom I love or my skin tone
I have no control
For the way I was born
Help me
You’ll find me struggling
When I’m torn
Never let go of those hands
Who taught you
To celebrate yourself
When you no longer feel tied up
Ending debates and misgivings
You’ll know from thereon
You are independent!

Nilesh Pulten   

leenaA Utopic wish

My wish,
Instead of bringing down each other,
Let's help each other
With renewed endeavour,
To climb the progress ladder
And taste the elixir of success together.

My wish,
To have the capacity
To give every community
The gift of equal opportunity
In order to build unity.

My wish
To value all the hardship endured
To have our Freedom assured.
To remember the sacrifices ensued,
For a better Future secured.

My wish,
To polish this jewel
Of an island
So it becomes a marvel.
Leena Auckel  

Mauritius, Our Rainbow Country
Mauritius, Our Multicultural Country
Immersed In Unity and Diversity
Cohabiting Multiple Cultures and Religions
Mauritius, Our Paradise On Earth
Mauritius, Our Rainbow Country!

Super Rich In Values and Knowledge
Successful In All Spheres
Resplendent Greenery
Natural Beauty
Paradisiacal and Eco-friendly Island Mauritius
Perched By Mountains
Surrounded By Seas
Mauritius, Our Rainbow Country!

Mauritius, The Highly Resilient Country
The Harmonious and Pacific Nation
The Role Model of The African Continent
Unlimited Treasuretroves of Resources
The Heaven on Earth, Mauritius!

The Home of Peace, Love and Happiness
The Cradle of Civilisation
The Oasis of Peace and Tranquility
Mauritius, Our Rainbow Country!

Mauritius, The Self-Sustaining Country
The Mesmerising Beauty of Mauritius
The Melting Pot of Past and Present
The Island With Its Turquoise Seas
The Multilingual Country
Mauritius, Our Rainbow Country!

Mauritius, The Subtropical Island
The Beehive of Numerous Activities
Surrounded By Coral Reefs and Sandy Beaches
The Co-Existence of Various Religions
The Upholder of Multiple Values and Cultures
The Exquisite Mauritian Cuisine
Mauritius, Our Rainbow Country!

Mauritius, Famous for Dodo
Fantastic Cultures and Traditions
Incredible Natural Riches
Famous for Honeymooners, Adventurers and Holidaymakers
Breathtaking, Gorgeous and Idyllic White Sandy Beaches
Crystal-Clear Blue Waters
Wonderful Luxury Properties
A Combo for Beauty and Culture
Mauritius, The Luxury Beach Holiday Destination
Mauritius, Our Rainbow Country!

Long Live Mauritius
Long Live Our Marvellous Mauritius
Long Live Our Rainbow Country
Long Live Our Nation
Long Live Our Country
As One People As One Nation
Happy Independence Day 2021 To All Mauritians!

Luxhmee Jaypaul

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