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[Blog] The Chagos political agreement: an example for the world

One of the biggest causes of disagreement between states is territoriality, land rights. As between Russia and Ukraine now, as between Palestine and Israel since 1947, historically over Sudetenland  in the 1930s of Germany, leading to the second World War, over Goa between Portugal and newly independent India.


None of these were solved by diplomacy, negotiations, and agreement but led to battles, war, destruction, and deaths.

However, the land disagreement between Mauritius and UK (over completion of the process of decolonisation) was solved, just now in October 2024, through negotiations, give and take and agreement. A really positive example  for the world ! Bravo to  P. Jugnauth, Mauritius PM  and Sir K.Starmer, UK PM  and to all those who worked for this result !

Dr Michael ATCHIA

Past Programme Director, United Nations.

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