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Ambassador Jacek Bazanski : “Poland is open to cooperation in the field of fishing with Mauritius”


The Polish government and Mauritius are willing to embark on a new diplomatic journey as well as enhance maritime relations. Poland is well known for the way it manages its Maritime Economy. At the time, the process of appointing an Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland in Mauritius is ongoing, the two countries are also looking forward to enhancing their relations in various fields. Ambassador Jacek Bazanski, who is currently in Nairobi, gave an exclusive interview to highlight the relationship between Poland and Mauritius. 


The Embassy of Poland and the Polish Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation launched a seminar entitled “The Potential of Polish Maritime Economy” during the vessel’s Polish SV Dar Młodzieży’s visit to Port Louis. What has been the outcome of this seminar?
The representatives of Mauritius were informed about the potential of Polish maritime economy and the Polish maritime industry. After the seminar, we established contacts and acquired the information on the offer of Mauritian entrepreneurs in the field of fisheries and shipbuilding.

What are your expectations from Mauritius when it comes to Maritime Economy?
Our expectations from Mauritius, when it comes to future cooperation in the field of Maritime Economy, are as follows: Cooperation of the shipbuilding industry: Polish shipyards have a lot of experience in designing and construction of, for example, fishing boats; cooperation in the field of fisheries: Poland is open to cooperation in the field of fishing. There is a possibility of cooperation with the Polish Fishing Institute and on the issue of fishing. We have already informed the Polish Association of Fish Processors that the Mauritian side shows a willingness to cooperate. We are also looking forward for cooperation in the field of maritime education: Contact has been made with the Mauritius Training Academy and the Maritime University in Gdynia. Both sides are interested in joint cooperation and student exchange.  

We are also looking forward for cooperation in the field of maritime education: Contact has been made with the Mauritius Training Academy and the Maritime University in Gdynia. Both sides are interested in joint cooperation and student exchange. "

The Government of Mauritius announced in its last Budget that it will allow foreign companies to fish in the Mauritian sea. Will Poland take advantage of this facility?
The rules for fishing by the vessels flying flag of the European Union’s member states in the waters of the Republic of Mauritius are governed both by the Fisheries Partnership Agreement of 28th January 2014 between the European Union and the Republic of Mauritius as well as the Council Decision (EU) 2018/754 of 14th May 2018.

On the conclusion of the Protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Mauritius. In order to fish in the waters of the Republic of Mauritius, the EU Member State concerned must have fishing quotas under this Agreement. Poland does not have such quotas, therefore the vessels flying flag of the Republic of Poland are not authorized to fish in the waters of the Republic of Mauritius.

Poland is very concentrated on maritime issues. How can Poland help Mauritius in this sector and which areas can be identified?
One of the possible forms of cooperation may be the support of the Republic of Mauritius in the field of experience regarding the implementation of international conventions, including in particular those adopted within the IMO, sharing with the Mauritian side the developed practices and standards of action in this area.

I believe that the exchange between Poland and Mauritius has much bigger potential. The Embassy of Poland in Nairobi and the Polish Trade Office in Nairobi are planning to conduct a business mission to Mauritius in 2019 in order to explore the areas of mutual cooperation."

Do you think Poland can help Mauritius in water management and inland navigation?
Due to the completely different climatic conditions, geographic location, approach to water management and the needs of both countries. Nevertheless, we would like to emphasize that the management of water resources in Poland is just as important as for the inhabitants of Mauritius, in the social, economic and environmental dimensions.

What are the areas in your country where you might want Mauritian companies to invest?
The trade exchange between Poland and Mauritius amounts to more than 16 million USD with respectively 8 million USD Polish export to Mauritius and 8 million euros the Mauritian export to Poland. I believe that the exchange between Poland and Mauritius has much bigger potential. The Embassy of Poland in Nairobi and the Polish Trade Office in Nairobi are planning to conduct a business mission to Mauritius in 2019 in order to explore the areas of mutual cooperation.

Any upcoming projects? 
We are in the process of appointing the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland in Mauritius. This will be the first ever Honorary Consul residing in Mauritius. I believe that this appointment will boost the economic and cultural relations between our countries.   Finally, I cannot forget about the Polish Diaspora in Mauritius. The Diaspora is not big – those are the people that came to Mauritius some 30-40 years ago, but also the newcomers – Poles working in the multinational corporations located in Mauritius. I believe that the Poles living in Mauritius could serve as a connection between our two countries.

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