2017 is here. Time to take a new resolution! Sit back and reflect on what could be done for this year. Let us see what some of our young professionals have taken as resolutions for this year.
Keni Vardin: “More focus”
Keni Vardin, the first runner up of the JCI The outstanding Young Person of the Year, reveals that 2017 will be embraced with the same motto with which he have been living for the past years: ‘Do whatever it takes to get what you truly desire.’ “Doing our best has never led to any progression, from your best onwards represents your progression and for 2017, it will be a moment to push harder to make things happen. I have taken the time to think on where I want to invest my energy and ready to step out to do whatever it takes to transform my thoughts into projects and my projects into achievements. If I had to choose a theme for 2017 it would be – Focus. Eliminate all things that might distract me from my path and walk away from anything that consist of a waste of time & energy in whatsoever form. As individuals we have the capacity of gathering all the talents required to bridge the gap between our achievements and our capacities, but yet we allow ourselves to be pulled down by all sorts of distractions too often. One of the principles that Kyokushin karate has brought into my life is commitment and in this coming year, each and every moment will be marked by a constant fight to reach my goals.”
Wazihah Ruttun: “Sharpen my skills”
Wazihah’s resolution is to be more dedicated towards her career pathway. I will continue with all the hard work and endeavour to reach towards greater heights of success. I will also only reminiscence good moments that iI have cherished in 2016 and create more good enjoyable time in 2017.May this new year brings new opportunities, good health and prosperity in our lives. Let’s forget past grudges and make amends for this New Year and lets us all be of good faith and kind to each and everyone. Lets ring with great optimism and keep the zeal and gear up the new year. I sincerely want that this year brings new experiences, warmth, peace and blessings. It’s time to make a way for the new, to reaffirm and dream afresh and embark on new voyages. May the dream we weave all come true and brightens our lives and may it be more prosperous than the previous year I wholeheartedly want that my friendship with all my beloved friends, family lecturer and closed ones nearest and dearest be strengthened and blessed and share even greater ties. The resolution taken by me is to sharpen my skills to the fullest and be always on the right path by fulfilling my religious duties .I do believe that parents blessings is the greatest to gain success in all spheres of life. May God unfold great possibilities. The unemployed gets employed, the sick gets well the hungry be fed and the refugees be in their homes, the uneducated gets educated, the younger be showered with affection and the old get care and love.”
Philip Chang-ko: “Inspire, believe and achieve”
JCI Beau-Bassin/Rose-Hill President 2017 is all set to lead the organisation. “For the year 2017, I have been assigned the responsibility to lead this wonderful organisation along with the members to tackle the community problems that we are facing and at the same time assist them in their personal development and help them contribute to society as active citizens. To lead an organisation in itself is an immense challenge but if we do wish to grow as better individuals and active citizens, we are to embrace and overcome these challenges. One person cannot change the world, but 10 people can impact like 100, and together we can create an impact, my motto for 2017 is ‘’Inspire, believe and achieve’’, under which we wish to Inspire others continuously believe in themselves and help others to achieve their dreams. My wish for 2017 is be guided by our values, which I have learnt so far from my predecessors and other persons such as: respect towards others because without respect, how can we earn respect and without respect, how can we work together, promote solidarity towards one another, ethics, understanding and perseverance? Let us all ‘’be the change’’ and work towards a better tomorrow, let us all creates sustainable impact.”
Anieszka: “Makes dream come true”
Famous international Mauritian singer, Anieszka says that 2017 is the year to make long awaited dreams come true. “This year, I would like to complete an album, travel to a number of countries to perform and have at least two of my singles charted. I would love to experiment with different sounds and create something truly unique and representative of who I am. I would love to spend some time in Mauritius and reconnect with the spirit and rhythm of my island. It’s really important for me to showcase my roots, and all the various places around the world and experiences that have made me the person I am today. 2017 is my year to finally let the world hear who I am through my music. Personally, it’s also a year to let go of anything negative and move forward in love and faith. There are many things in life that hold us back, and it’s important to become aware of that and consciously let go of those things. It’s time to wake up and accomplish what we’ve always wanted to. But at the same time, it’s important to remain firm in love - not solely the romantic kind, but the kind that allows us to be happy with who we are and consequently affect others in a positive way. I hope to do big and great things this year, and I can’t wait to share it all with all of you.”
Sarvesh Luchtmun: “Resume my sports training sessions”
Member of the Young African Leaders 2016, Sarvesh’s resolution is more about his health. “After a hectic 2016, I would like to get more sleep. I plan to get to bed early, although I acknowledge that this may sometimes be impracticable. I also wish to resume my sports training sessions, get back in shape and participate in competitions after a complete long pause due to other commitments. I also look forward to reconnecting with old friends from college and university. Having been in at least 15 cities in nine different countries throughout 2016, I intend to travel less in 2017 so that I focus more on my career, spend more time with my family, and contribute more in my community and other organizations I am involved in. I also wish to go to the temple more often and get more into meditation and spirituality.”
Nissar Nujurally: “Dedicate enough time to sleep”
Nissar wants to get enough sleep in 2017. “My resolution is to embrace my own message when it comes to getting enough sleep - which, for me, means seven to eight hours. Ninety-five percent, I know they’re not necessarily conducive to a healthy, sane, rejuvenating sleep schedule. So the timing is perfect, because I firmly believe in the power of certain milestone moments to help us hold ourselves accountable and make changes in our lives. And going public with it (like this) is a really good way to make the commitment stick.”

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