This year, we are celebrating the 49th Independence anniversary of Mauritius. Many young professionals are promoting the spirit of Mauritianism in their own way. This week, they share what they are doing and encourage people to join them.
Zaara Hayat Khan: “We are a free country”
Young Zaara Hayat Khan, 24, says Independence Day is indeed an exceptional event for youngsters like her, as it reminds us that we live in a free, multicultural country, where different kinds of people and cultures mingle in perfect harmony. “The 12th of March is a grand moment every year and further instills the feeling of patriotism in each one of us, though patriotism is something to cherish on a daily basis. The concept of ‘Mauritianism’ is not well explained to youths. Many youngsters are not really aware of the history of Mauritius and the importance of Independence. I feel children should be inculcated these values.”
Frederic Nullathemby: “Young people are embracing new corporate values”
Frederic argues that Mauritianism is promoted aggressively in primary schools and fades away as young students pursue your secondary and university studies. “Mauritianism can be viewed as the unification of one common goal ‘As one people, as one nation, in peace, justice and liberty’ towards a better country. Sadly, as we climb the ladder of success, we tend to forget our Mauritian values and embrace new corporate values in a world dominated by capitalist pulsions. Profits and debts tend to make people forget the joy of celebrating the day Mauritius became independent so that you can today pursue your independent journey of happiness. We should be proud of our diversity and make no hesitation in celebrating it.”
Yaadav Damree: “The value of Mauritianism inculcated from childhood”
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it, says Yaadav. “It is important that every parent inculcates that value for loving your country since the beginning of their kids’ lives. Patriotic programs along with the history of Mauritius should be often organised in schools and colleges. The Ministry must design the school curriculum to a level that drives that patriotic feeling in the hearts of the young school children. Knowing the history and hard work of our ancestors for Mauritius is important in building fraternity among Mauritians. Our ancestors had lived with love for Mauritius to uplift the society with good morals. Learning about all these theories and doing the comparison with today’s mentality will surely lead to a positive reflection among youth.”
According to him, patriotism is not simply showing up to vote. Building Mauritianism will result when we understand it, live it, teach it, and support those who are educating others about its principles. That patriotic feeling will result into a good vision for the future of Mauritius. We must inform to sensitise, then only we’ll be able to build a better Mauritius!”
Habeeba Nobee: “A national independent platform is needed”
As we are reaching the 49th year of Independent Mauritius, the time has come to instill in young Mauritians as well as older ones, a sense of belonging to this country believes Habeeba. “This is now the time for a positive change in our country. I firmly believe in unity of action because the true power for positive change lies in unity. This is our country; and this is not about what we will get in return when doing something because this is our duty as a Mauritian. There is a need for more compassion and solidarity in all of us. We cannot feel indifferent when our Mauritian families are suffering and dying of hunger and poverty. We are all concerned, and we all have the possibility to do something in our own way for others.”
She further states “compassion, sensitisation campaigns and effective communication of the vision for a better future for our country will certainly create a feeling of ownership in Mauritian citizens and encourage them to stand up for our country and people. Our Mauritians will also show their patriotism when they feel valued and respected, and when their rights are not violated. We have to give them a voice and an opportunity to express themselves. I encourage all of you - our youngsters and Mauritian citizens - to contribute fully by using your skills, knowledge and talents to create a bright future for Mauritius because you matter, your ideas matter, you have the potential and because you are the future of this country.”
Yeshan Shibchurn: “Stop the divide and rule game”
Many Mauritians do not realise that our development is relatively compared to our neighbours in Africa, says Yeshan. “We should be proud of the social services provided by the government free of charge, irrespective of race, religion and income. Mauritians should consider themselves lucky to live in a relatively peaceful country and that they have the opportunity to live in a multicultural society. Building up the Mauritian spirit among Mauritians should start through education, the young generation should be taught at school about the festivals and each cultural component of our society. This knowledge will create the social cohesion paving the way towards a true Mauritian spirit. The local state and online television should broadcast more local productions to display and provide a platform for Mauritians talents in the field of music and drama.”
He believes that politicians should also stop playing the “divide and rule” game, they should through their speeches encourage “Mauritians to stand together. Furthermore our leaders should talk about the island’s achievements instead of creating an inferiority complex by comparing Mauritius to other nations such as Singapore. Mauritius has never developed a true Mauritian philosophy, which would be a major step for Mauritianism, this philosophy applied to our daily life could be a game changer. A key component to develop this spirit is our economy and job creation, the success of Mauritius in this field will automatically make the locals develop a strong sense of patriotism. The government should also promote our native languages, gastronomy and music through regular activities throughout the year, this will also attract tourists. Every international sports event in which a Mauritian is participating should be shown on national television, locals have always been united for our athletes, especially in case of success.”
Soobeersingh Kenny Dhunoo: “Mauritian culture should be encouraged”
Kenny avers that this year we will be celebrating our 49th Independence Day and 25th Republic Day, however our paradise island was once a battlefield where our forefathers have shed sweat and blood. “Many of us are not acquainted with this face of Mauritius, it may be the reason why we do not feel concerned. Hence, it is of utmost importance for each one of us to salute the sacrifice of our forefathers who believed in making Mauritius a paradise island for our generations and who struggled for freedom. Independence Day is not just a one day celebration but it is celebration of freedom, cultures and colours daily. Recognised by the UNESCO as a land of diverse cultures and heritage, Mauritius has a rich legacy with Mauritian arts, literature, food and music. However, over the years with the onslaught of western cultures, there has been cultural erosion, hence there is a strong need to revive the Mauritian culture.”
He further adds that “Mauritian culture should be encouraged, protected and promoted. Culture weeks around the Island must be organised with the help of several NGOs as well as several institutions. Empowerment programmes for artists and locals must be further enhanced to protect our culture from fading. At school, students at all levels should be imbibed with our Mauritian culture; it’s something that must take place from the roots of their childhood. A seed will grow to be a huge tree only if it’s watered properly from the beginning.”
Glorine Maloupe: “Patriotism should be an omnipresent factor”
It is a fact that we belong to a country rich of cultural diversity, says Glorine. “For independence, every year, most of our compatriots commemorate it in their own ways. The vibrant feeling of the approach of Independence Day can be witnessed, where our national flags flow proudly on each roof of many households. In schools and colleges, our national anthem is being sung by students on the eve of Independence. Patriotism is still present in many Mauritians’ hearts. But, it is not only on 12th March. Patriotism should be an omnipresent factor in our daily routines, in our surroundings and in our attention towards others. To make our people be more patriotic, our native language, “le Creole Mauricien” could be used as a business language both in written and oral forms, as a mean to facilitate business communication easily only with Mauritian enterprises. A national exhibition could be organised to trace back our development from the first arrivals of the Dutch, French and British, just to make Mauritians revive these important phases.”

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