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Women In Tech Week 2017 : A week full of learning experiences

Sameera Chattun Koyratty

After the successful event of last year at L’Aventure Du Sucre, Women in Tech Africa, attracting a large number of groups globally, is being held this year again from 19 September to 23 September 2017.


Organised by Safe Sha Training Centre together with Women in Tech Africa, the five-day event will be an opportunity to train and discuss with thousands of women around the globe both physically and virtually on issues on Technology, Entrepreneurship, Work-life balance, and Leadership. The week celebration is a great opportunity for women globally to come together to network, share and empower each other to improve and push forward technological growth agenda.

Sameera Chattun Koyratty, Managing Director of Safe Sha Training Centre, explains that the aim is to reach over 20,000 Women (physically and virtually) across Africa, Europe and Asia. “The week-long event will simultaneously take place in countries such as Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Botswana, Cape Verde, China, Germany, United States of America, Canada, Belgium, UK supporting the growth of women in technology and the African growth using technology.”

The themes

Themes for each day will be as follows:

Day 1: 19 September at Médine Education Village: Leadership Day
Day 2: 20 September at Conference Hall Cybercity: Mobile and Digital Commerce Day
Day 3: 21 September at African Leadership University (ALU): Teach a Skill Day
Day 4: 22 September at African Leadership University (ALU): Entrepreneur Day
Day 5:  23 September at Turbine Business Incubator: Award Day “Best Female Technology Entrepreneur”

Female Digital Technology Entrepreneur Award Night

Organised in collaboration with Women In Tech Africa, the upcoming Women in Tech Week, Mauritius 2017, will have a Female Digital Technology Entrepreneur Award Night, 23 September 2017! Entries to the Female Digital Technology Entrepreneur category are welcomed from research, development, demonstration or early life phases of a new idea. Entries are welcome from both commercial and academic organisations. Innovations will be set in a context under one or more of the following headings:
• IT efficiency
• Business efficiency
• Information security is covered separately by the Cyber Security category
• Systems management
• Software development
• Big data
• Infrastructure transformation

How to apply?

• Get your entry form and any supporting evidence (if appropriate) along with a high res photo (min. 300dpi) of your innovation. You will need a succinct title and a brief description (50 words max).
• Submit your entry form, evidence and photo following instructions.
• Put 23 September 2017 in your diary. You’ll need to attend the ceremony if you’re shortlisted!

The different speakers

Leadership day
• Marie Noelle Elissac - Foy Public Relations Strategist, The Talent Factory
• Rita Heeralall- Director, Body Sense Ltd

Mobile & Digital Commerce Day
• Stephan Mourghen-Head of IT, Taylor Smith Group
• Vashinee Bheemul-Director, Vector Technologies

Teach A Skill Day
Chen Hindi- Head of Digital, Quantum Media Mauritius

Entrepreneur Day
• Shareemah Boolakee- Director, Fireworks Group
• Christian Minerve- Managing director, PCG IT Solutions Ltd

  • salon



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