Cyber Security in Mauritius
Are We Resilient Enough?
$3.5 billion is the amount African countries have spent over the past years to counter cyber-attacks, as per the World Bank. With constant digitalisation, Cyber security has become one of the most essential aspects which determines safety of companies, government and individuals. Cybersecurity issues have gained traction on a global scale, Mauritius is not spared either. How far are we vulnerable to attacks? Where do we stand? What are our best practices?
Pension hike
A Sincere Reward for the Elderly?
A further increase in the old-age pension is on the cards. The Prime Minister himself announced it last week on the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons. If the news has been favourably welcomed by senior citizens, it has also triggered debates and raised questions: When? At what rate? Can the economy sustain it?
Manisha Dookhony: “It is the society itself that is failing the people”
The killing of an 11-year-old child shocked the Mauritian nation, an incident which unfortunately mirrors the escalating crime rate and other social ills in our society. As a deeply concerned citizen, Manisha Dookhony, Economist & Managing Partner - Rwenzori Consulting and Founder member of Mauritius Society Renewal & Nou Repiblik, provides some recommendations about how to prevent further social infamy.
Mauritius-United Arab Emirates: New Economic Collaboration and Investment Opportunities
The Economic Development Board organised a business forum and networking event at the Intercontinental Hotel at Balaclava on Wednesday 24th October under the theme “Mauritius-United Arab Emirates: Embarking on a New Economic Collaboration.” A business delegation from the UAE led by H.E. Humaid Mohamed Ben Salem, Secretary General of UAE Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, was present. There was also a Business to Business (B2B) networking after the event.
Bhamini Kamudu Applasawmy
The Journey of a Passionate Scientist
Resource Officer in the Education Department for the past ten years at the Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre, Bhamini Kamudu Applasawmy aims to encourage our young people to develop a scientific mind. She shares with us how she got into the science world, how her Australia Awards Fellowship in Science Centre Leadership has helped her in her career and how she is looking forward to the future.
Zainudeen Mohammad Jeeawody
Mushrooming of Young Mauritian Talent in Producing Videos
Zainudeen Mohammad Jeeawody is the winner in the Vida e Caffé competition 2018. Watching the small ad video, all indications point towards a professional videographer. Yet, he is only 20-years-old and is a part-time freelancer studying Digital Art at the University of Mauritius. With the support of his friends, he won the competition.

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