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Raise Brave Girls Campaigns : be your own wonder woman

Mottee Dilsha & Prisheela Mottee Mottee Dilsha & Prisheela Mottee

For the International Women’s Day 2018, Raise Brave Girls (RBG) has chosen the theme “Be your own wonder woman,” which is in line with the United Nations of #Timeisnow theme. RBG wants women to be strong and to help themselves.


The world has not seen such waves of women empowerment in terms of activism since years. Now, it is high time to be your own wonder woman, to take actions and initiatives.

In this context, RBG has launched the campaign “Moris ki to revv” (Mauritius: What are your dreams?) where messages on two themes have been collected on the dreams for women and the role of women in the last 50 years of Independence.

Since 12th February 2018, RBG has collected over 60 messages which we are publishing on a daily basis. Women and young girls need a platform to share their dreams. The quotes are going to be published at Montpellier (France) for the International Women’s Day 2018 at Grande Ecole Nationale Supérieure de L’Architecture Montpellier, where Dilsha Mottee is going to give a lecture concerning the role of women in Mauritius.

Prisheela Mottee, Initiator of Raise Brave Girls Campaign, explains that Mauritian women have been working hard to leave a striking legacy during the past 50 years of Independence since 1968.

“History has witnessed strong women who have fought for the rights of women and young girls in the country. The country saw big changes, like the amendment for the legal age to get married changed from 14 to 16 years old, but with the consent of parents.Women joined the EPZ sector and became economically independent in the 1980s. Today, we have women in all sectors of the economy, from the Head of State in the person of the Honourable Dr Ameena Gurib-Fakim to ladies as bus conductors.”

She argues that women still have a long way to go to achieve gender equality in all fields. We have only approximately 11% of women in parliament; we have fewer women who have engaged in Ph.D research and only approximately 7% women are on boards of directors in the private sector.

The messages

During the campaigns, they have received some amazing dreams and messages from the women of Mauritius. Some of them are as follows:

Prisheela Mottee:
“The world has seen an unprecedented wave of change and movement like #metoo in the last few months. It is time to make your voices heard and to take concrete action in this same wave of change. We, women, have to be our own wonder woman.”

Mottee Dilsha:
“Women need to learn to be strong and voice out their standpoints against all forms of injustice. It all starts from our own mindset and this is the year for emancipation for thinking, ‘Go ahead ladies’.”

About Raise Brave Girls

Raise Brave Girls (RBG) is an initiative to empower women and young girls and achieve gender equality at all levels in the Republic of Mauritius, in the African region and on an international level. Raise Brave Girls is contributing to:

  • The Sustainable Development Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
  • Agenda 2063, The Africa We want, Aspiration 6: An Africa whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of African people, especially its women and youth, and caring for children.
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