Following the rise in fuel price, the Basmati rice will cost more to consumers soon. The 20kg bag will now cost Rs 75 more and a pound of rice will be sold at Rs 190. The reason given by the main importers is the depreciation of the Mauritian rupee and the price of Basmati rice on the world market.
The current price is at 1,400 USD to 1,500 USD one ton against 1,250 USD to 1,300 USD one ton at the beginning of the year. On the other hand, factors such as overexploitation, illegal fishing, among others, have had a severe impact on the fish industry.
The catch of fishermen in the Black River region is 100 to 150 kilograms per day compared to 200, 250 or 300 kilos previously. Shortage also means an automatic rise in fish prices. Judex Ramphul, president of the fishermen’s union, explained that fish such as the captain, the ‘gueule-pavé’, the berry, the ‘batardé’, the ‘sacré-chien’’ and the ‘vacoas’ are sold at more than Rs 100 half a kilo while the other varieties, including the ‘cateau’ are sold at more than Rs 80 half a kilo.

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