Les internautes ont été surpris ce matin de ne pas pouvoir accéder aux réseaux sociaux. Selon un communiqué d’Emtel, l’un des opérateurs de téléphonie à Maurice, l’Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA) a demandé à tous les opérateurs de télécommunications de suspendre temporairement l'accès à toutes les plateformes de réseaux sociaux jusqu'au 11 novembre 2024, en réponse à des « publications illégales susceptibles de menacer la sécurité nationale et la sûreté publique ».
Voici le communiqué d’Emtel :
EMTEL wishes to inform its shareholders, its customers and the public that in the evening of 31st october 2024, it received a communication from the ICTA. That communication states that in response to concerns regarding illegal postings that may impact national security and public safety, the ICTA directs all telecommunications operators, including EMTEL, to temporarily suspend access to all social media platforms until 11th november 2024.
As a licensed telecommunications operator, EMTEL is obligated to abide by directives issued by the regulator.
EMTEL is in the process of implementing the directive and the user experience will be progressively disrupted as the directive is implemented.
EMTEL understands the inconvenience that this action shall cause to its customers but reiterates that it has no alternative other than to comply with the ICTA’s directive.
EMTEL will nonetheless interact with the regulator, the authorities and its legal advisers to determine how the impact can be minimised whilst meeting any national security concerns.
EMTEL remains committed to upholding all regulatory requirements while acting in accordance with law and ensuring that we continue to provide reliable services to our valued customers.

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