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Horoscope 2018 : what have the signs reserved for you?


The year 2018 absolutely buzzes with energy. More focus and a better sense of direction are all you need to put all that spectacular energy to good use. The year opens with a powerful Mars/Jupiter conjunction in no-nonsense Scorpio.


This keeps you going where you want to go in life. It also brings a big injection of energy that powers your days and your long-range career and family plans. The sun, Venus, and Pluto clustered in pragmatic Capricorn will keep you grounded and on track. Enhanced charm and more pleasant social interactions are powerful additions to your life-skills toolbox, too.


Overall: Look forward to success, praise, and pleasure, Aries! Settle down and work relentlessly toward career and self-improvement goals. The year 2018 starts with your planet Mars conjoined with regal Jupiter in no-nonsense Scorpio. Prepare to rule!

Love: Make your way through 2018 as a smooth, efficient team. It may start off quickly as the sun conjoins Pluto in January. After that, you'll both be in more control of your romantic and domestic lives.

Career: Direct your work efforts to where you most want to succeed and see great financial gain. The year 2018 starts with your planet Mars conjoined with masterful Jupiter in emotionally commited Scorpio. The asteroid Vesta is there, too. You'll be willing to make smart sacrifices to get ahead. Be reenergized in November and December.


Overall: Rock your world in 2018! Your ruling planet Venus is one of the best connected and most powerful forces in the sky this year. Having just conjoined pragmatic Saturn in Capricorn, Venus now conjoins the sun. Your goals and aspirations will not be denied. Make them big and noble.

Love: You can work wonders in the love department in 2018, Taurus. Set your joint intentions and nothing can stand in your way. Taurus singles have a big advantage in 2018. Your ruling planet Venus shines bright in Taurus as the sun enters your sign. No one can resist your charm and attractive appearance. With more popularity, love prospects will flock to you.

Career: With Saturn and Pluto in earthy Capricorn all year, you have a firm foundation that only a fellow earth sign can fully appreciate. You have plenty of energy and an inventive outlook to create or show you opportunities that others would miss.


Overall: You'll have the chance to connect with more people and engage in more new situations as never before.

Love: The first half of 2018 may be complicated, but you probably like all that social and emotional involvement anyway. For Singles: Mix and meet a zillion love prospects in 2018! Visit out of the way places in January and meet some high-octane flirters. In April and May, get back to nature and discover a practical, appreciative admirer who shares your values.

Career: Work and career matters may be on your mind throughout 2018. This isn't out of worry or insecurity. Rather, you may have countless great ideas and be networking with many more professional people.


Overall: The year 2018 is an open book for you, Cancer. You have access to all that the stars have to offer. If it's work, family, finances, love, or anything else, there will be a planet ready to give you a hand.

Love: When the sun enters Cancer, there is grand water trine. The year 2018 is very much driven by emotions, and couples will feel it every day. Singles: There is scant romantic downtime for you, Cancer. When the sun enters Cancer, the moon is intimately involved and forming aspects with Saturn, Pluto, Mars, Neptune, Mercury, and Venus.

Career: Now that Saturn has entered its home sign of Capricorn, your Cancer sun has a special rapport with Saturn that simplifies and improves your career and financial prospects in 2018.


Overall: The year 2018 blazes with energy, challenges, and opportunities of the most practical and far-reaching kind. You're looking at a golden year, Leo!

Love: The year 2018 could bring your relationship a refreshing change of some sort. It may not be major. It could be more like a fresh breeze when the window is opened. Singles: Love is all around you in 2018, Leo! Social life teems with romantic prospects and there likely will be someone within easy reach to match up with your momentary tastes and desires.

Career: The year abounds in moneymaking opportunities, Leo. Slow down a bit and you'll see that opportunies may have been chasing after you. Give them a chance to catch up.


Overall: Virgo, 2018 is your year to get intense! Intensity has its ups and downs, and you can make the most of the ups while coping skillfully with any downs.

Love: People will try to keep the two of you busy all year long, Virgo, and that's fine. It will only serve to draw you closer together and appreciate one another more. Singles: Romance looms large throughout 2018, Virgo, and you'll have the energy to keep up with it all. At times, it may seem like there's no end to the number of love prospects who are looking for you.

Career: Work and money matters are on the front burner all year long, and in a good way. You'll probably put more effort into your career and finances than you realize because it will come so naturally.


Overall: The focus is on you for 2018, Libra. Be prepared for people to look to you for advice and leadership. It will be easy and it will come naturally, so relax and enjoy the attention.

Love: In 2018, love is strong, serious, and sensual, Libra. Your partner may look to you to make more advances, but you can handle that. There will be plenty of time for playfulness, too. Singles: Love is looking for you in 2018, Libra, so you can afford to be picky. Trust your instincts, as usual, but first impressions could yield unexpected consequences.

Career: Business, career, and finances look strong and vibrant this year, Libra. There may be a few times, mostly in late March or April, when a partner's or co-worker's misjudgment creates a small setback or confusion.


Overall: You're a powerful person and a force of nature in 2018, Scorpio! The year begins with your planet Mars conjoined with influential Jupiter in Scorpio. Once you decide on a plan of action, nothing and no one will be able to slow you down.

Love: The year 2018 is passionate about practical concerns and real accomplishments, Scorpio, and this is a great atmosphere for couples to flourish. Singles: Scorpio, 2018 is your year to enjoy the thrill of the romantic chase and find exactly the love you want.

Career: Pluto in Capricorn fuels a strong, productive year, Scorpio. A cautious, responsible Saturn is now at home in Capricorn, too. Any sudden change in career or finances will need to have roots in practical reality for Saturn to participate.


Overall: Enter 2018 moving in high speed, Sagittarius, and accelerate from there. Your planet Jupiter is powerful and ambitious and will keep you going full blast in the direction that moves you forward.

Love: Sagittarius, 2018 is a strong year for couples, especially for couples who want to work together and further one another's career and family relationships. Singles: You're a romantic force of nature in 2018, Sagittarius. It will be easy to say yes when you choose or to say no in the nicest of ways.

Career: Business prospects and money may come and go, Sagittarius, but your enthusiasm and drive will turn every situation into an opportunity. Every year has its ups and downs, but more than ever there will only be ups for you in 2018. The first Mercury retrograde in Aries happens in late March and early April. Have a bit more patience and self-control then.


Overall: Life makes more and better sense in 2018, Capricorn. A clearer perspective will make it much easier to achieve your goals and dreams.

Love: The year 2018 starts with the sun, Venus, Saturn, and Pluto all in Capricorn. You'll always be the grownup in the room, and what you say goes. Happily, most of the time you will be just as likely to say, "Let's have more fun!" Singles: The first three months could be busy social times with many new faces. Casual connections may work best for you now. Romantic dreams may be big, but don't expect a lot of stability until after the Mercury retrograde in April comes to an end.

Career: The first and last quarters of 2018 may be the most exciting parts of the year, Capricorn, but the middle of the year is far from boring. That's when things may be the most stable and when you can make the most real progress.


Overall: The year 2018 is full of changes, Aquarius, and they all make you more influential and important. You may not always take yourself seriously, but please take what you do seriously, and see great progress and success this year.

Love: Couples have an especially harmonious 2018, Aquarius. Throughout January, the sun and Venus are effectively in conjunction all month long. The year 2018 is full of charm, pleasantness, and random acts of kindness. Singles: Love and social life are highlighted all year, Aquarius, but most strongly in the first four months. Meet many new people and be impressed by several of them. Concentrate on having a good time and on sounding out possible dreams and ideals. Take things seriously later on.

Career: You have work and money well in hand in 2018, Aquarius. You may not feel as though you have all the control you want, and you probably don't, but you don't need much more anyway. Progress and success are always within easy grasp


Overall: The year 2018 is one for hard work, Pisces, and the stars are working hard for you. On New Year's Day, the moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune are all in water signs. You have keen sensitivities and sharp insights and intuition all year long.

Love: The outside world may seem harsh and relentless at times in 2018, Pisces, but couples will find plenty of soothing kindness no matter what. Singles: Love sparkles and zings throughout 2018, Pisces. A lot of the zings will come in February and March. A lunar eclipse on January 31 could set the stage that sends many promising romantic contacts your way.

Career: Work and success in the public sector are in the spotlight this year, Pisces. Saturn in Capricorn wants everyone to be cautious, responsible, and respected.

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