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Career and Learning Lounge : troisième édition les 1er et 2 septembre


Le Career and Learning Lounge revient cette année pour sa troisième édition. Il se tiendra les 1er et 2 septembre prochain entre 10 heures et 17 heures au Caudan Arts Centre à Port-Louis. Cet événement s’adresse à ceux qui recherchent des opportunités professionnelles et qui désirent poursuivre leurs études. 

Academy of Design and Innovation, la référence dans le milieu du ‘Design Education’

Dr. Sabrina D. Ramsamy-Iranah Directrice - Academy of Design and Innovation.

L’Academy of Design and Innovation (ADI), ex Fashion & Design Institute, est une institution tertiaire qui opère sous l’égide du Ministère du Développement industriel, des PME et des Coopératives. L’ADI, qui compte plus d’une vingtaine d’années d’existence,  a contribué à former plus d’un millier d’étudiants. C’est une référence dans le milieu du ‘Design Education’.

Les offres de l’académie englobent des domaines tels que l’art, le graphisme, l’architecture d’intérieur, l’animation, les médias interactifs et le design, parmi d’autres. Il s’agit de certificats, de diplômes et même de licences, offerts à temps plein ou à temps partiel en fonction des préférences et des besoins des étudiants. Des cours en ligne de courte durée, bénéficiant du soutien du Commonwealth of Learning à Vancouver, Canada, sont également prévus pour les étudiants souhaitant affiner davantage leurs compétences.

La liste pour les formations à court terme :

  • Typography and Printing
  • Basic Interior Design
  • Sustainable packaging
  • Basic surface ornamentation
  • Constructed Textiles
  • Basic Jewelry Design
  • Basic Fashion Design
  • Creative Artifact (Materials and Natural Fibres)
  • Digital Photography
  • Product Design- Fashion Accessories, Fashionable bag Design
  • Illustration- Manual, Digital (Caricatures, Animation, Manga)
  • Fancy Jewellery Making and Design

La liste des programmes des cours à long terme

Department of Foundation Studies

  • Pearson BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art and Design
  • Pearson BTEC Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design and Media Practice

Department of Jewellery Manufacturing and Design

  • National Certificate level 3 in Jewellery Manufacturing and Design
  • National Certificate level 4 in Jewellery Design, Manufacturing and Stone setting

Department of Fashion

  • Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Art and Design (Fashion)
  • BA (Hons) Fashion & Textiles Design (Top Up)

Department of Art Practice

  • Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Art and Design (Art Practice)
  • BA(Hons) Art & Design (Top Up)

L’équipe de l’ADI sera présente au Career & Learning Lounge au Caudan Arts Centre du 1er au 2 septembre prochain pour conseiller et guider les élèves qui veulent s’inscrire pour la prochaine rentrée de septembre 2023.

Pour plus d’informations sur l’Academy of Design and Innovation et ses programmes, veuillez consulter le site web officiel de l’académie ou par le biais des réseaux sociaux @adi.mauritius.

Middlesex University Mauritius offers high-quality teaching


Middlesex University Mauritius is one of the three campuses of Middlesex University located in London. The university offers highly regarded qualifications underpinned by the British education system and are validated and quality assured to the same standards as those offered in London and Dubai. Its students benefit from high-quality teaching, excellent experience on campus, international mobility and graduate with a UK qualification.

Located on the West Coast in Flic-en-Flac, its modern campus provides a 21st century learning experience that facilitates formal and informal learning and supports the development of a global learning and research community. Middlesex University Mauritius offers a growing portfolio of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels which respond to the market’s requirements. These include programmes in various areas of specialisation in Information Technology, Computer Science, Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, Business Management, Accounting and Finance, Psychology, Law, Advertising, Public Relations and Branding.

Middlesex University is distinctive in the practice-oriented way it approaches education, research and engages with society. Middlesex University is radically creative, excelling in how it collaborates to find solutions to complex problems. It values simplicity in its systems and processes, and the university is clear about its priorities. Staff and students are united by a shared purpose: creating knowledge and putting it into action. Its three strategic priorities are: to provide transformative education; to create knowledge that impacts on global challenges; and to develop an action-oriented, high-performing learning culture. Its staff and students aspire to be a diverse, inclusive and equitable community with a strong sense of belonging and mutual pride in their achievements.

Honoris Educational Network : Tailoring courses and approach to meet the needs of both corporate and individual clients 

honorisHonoris Educational Network (ex YKBS) is a member institution of Honoris United Universities - a major Pan-African educational platform providing Higher education in  Mauritius and the Indian Ocean Islands. We represent MANCOSA (SA), REGENT Business School (SA), Red & Creative School of Business (SA), and the most acclaimed coding bootcamp in the world – Le Wagon (FR) Honoris Educational Network is a registered tertiary and training institution by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) since 2002, our top priority is to provide our clients with the best possible experience and results. We offer a wide range of training programs and approaches to ensure that our clients receive the best services possible. 

We tailor our courses and approach to meet the needs of both corporate and individual clients, offering the flexibility of in-house, face-to-face or online training.  Honoris offers an impressive portfolio of training programs ranging from soft-skills development to project management certifications. Our team has over 10 years of experience in developing tailored-made courses and providing the best experience during learning: theoretical and practical. 

The main driving forces at Honoris are the Accessibility, Affordability, and Accreditation of its programs, which are benchmarked against world-class education providers. This ensures learning is relevant and reflects the challenges encountered in real work life. 

The Honoris United Universities network believes in collaborative, agile and mobile mindsets. All training programs are licensed by local regulators in the country of origin, TEC and MQA, which caution the quality assurance and academic standards of training programs.  

In December 2020, the institution was awarded the Best Educational Establishment at the Mauritius Business Awards. In December 2021 and 2022, the institution was awarded the People’s Choice Awards by the Mauritius Business Network.

Kalexius : pionnier du new law


Kalexius est une entreprise suisse de services juridiques alternatifs (alternative legal services provider – ALSP) et d’externalisation de fonctions juridiques. Kalexius travaille principalement avec de grandes entreprises en Amérique du Nord et en Europe.

L’unique ALSP mauricienne, Kalexius est un pionnier du new law, le nouveau visage du secteur juridique et des métiers du droit.

Kalexius fonctionne comme une extension des directions juridiques corporate. En parallèle d’activités de conseil, de legal operations et de management de transition, Kalexius intervient en mode externalisé longue durée pour le secrétariat juridique de sociétés, la veille réglementaire et la gestion de contrats. Nous intervenons également sur des missions ponctuelles telles que des audits de conformité et des programmes de rationalisation ou de restructuration dans de grands groupes internationaux.

Depuis nos bureaux d’Ébène, Genève, Chicago, Denver, Paris, Jérusalem et Montevideo, nos équipes de juristes, consultants et paralegals travaillent main dans la main avec les directions juridiques pour gagner en efficacité et productivité.

Nous permettons aux directions juridiques de se concentrer sur leurs enjeux et missions stratégiques en prenant en charge les formalités administratives et juridiques de A à Z. Grâce à un équilibre précis entre expertise juridique, gestion de projet, maîtrise du monde de l’entreprise, compétences administratives et linguistiques, nos équipes apportent un soutien concret et efficace aux juristes d’entreprise.

Nos services incluent :

  • Conseil – transformation des directions juridiques / legal operations / mise en œuvre de technologie (legal tech).
  • Management de transition – détachements longue ou courte durée.
  • Externalisation (managed legal services) – secrétariat juridique de sociétés / veille réglementaire / gestion de contrats / restructuration et rationalisation / KYC et due diligence / propriété intellectuelle / protection des données.

Venez nous rencontrer au stand Kalexius les 2 et 3 septembre prochains pour mieux comprendre en quoi consiste l’externalisation de services juridiques et échanger avec les membres de l’équipe mauricienne.

PTC Education Consultants assists students in their pursuit of higher education

ptcPTC Education Consultants celebrates its 35th anniversary this year. We are an agency that assists students in their pursuit of higher education. We are licensed by the Ministry of Education and work with universities that are accredited by the Higher Education Commission (HEC).

With a dedicated team of counsellors, PTC provides guidance and support to students looking to study abroad or online. We work with universities in Australia, Canada, Germany, Hungary, Switzerland, and UK. Our services include helping students select suitable universities/courses, preparing application materials and assist until visa process. We had a 100% VISA Approval Success Rate for 2023 intakes.

PTC Education Consultants has a strong track record of helping students achieve their academic and career goals through personalised and comprehensive support.

Whether you are looking for Foundation Courses, Bachelor degree, Master’s Courses, MBA, our counsellors shall be present at the Career & Learning Lounge to provide you with more information. All our services are free of charge.

With online learning, our students can continue their education and pursue professional development anywhere and at their own pace. This is especially valuable in a rapidly changing job market where continuous learning is essential to stay competitive.

Knowledge of the ART – CFA Academy : The courses are industry-related, career-enhancing and in line with the latest international best practices  

Irshad Jackaria, your CFA Coach.

At Knowledge of the ART, we are now entering into our 20th year of continuous operations, and since our launch in 2003, we have always aimed to be your blue-ribbon reference in practical and relevant training, knowledge enhancement and personal development.

Our courses are industry-related, career-enhancing and in line with the latest international best practices. 

Courses are offered in the areas of Finance, Investment, Banking, Fintech, Sales, Marketing and Customer Care for Finance Professionals, Insurance.  

Focus for the 3rd Career and Learning Lounge will be our CFA Masterclasses, with our courses starting in November 2023 and preparing for the August 2024 exams. 

We are the only one in Mauritius to offer face-to-face coaching for all the 3 levels of CFA Exams. 

Tagged as one of the most challenging exams in the world, the CFA qualification brings reward and opens the doors to careers in the fields of Wealth Management, Private Banking, Investment and Portfolio Management, Corporate Finance, Fund Management, Risk Analysis, Financial Research as well as in the emerging disciplines of Fintech, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. 

The main entry requirement for the CFA exams is to be already a holder of a degree or a chartered qualification in any field. 

Our masterclasses are of 9 months duration, part-time, 100% face-to-face, on Saturdays, where we will offer a wall-to-wall coverage of the official syllabus as well as intensive practice for the exams preparation … all delivered exclusively by Irshad Jackaria, CFA, for all the 3 levels. 

Please come and meet your CFA Coach for a personalized counseling. 

More information on or 466-3333.

  • salon



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