Ritesh Daworaz, a 23-year-old resident of Sebastopol and a holder of a diploma in Town and Country Planning from the University of Mauritius, wants to share his experience as the "Minister of National Infrastructure and Community Development" during the recent National Youth Parliament (Third Edition - 2023), which was held on Thursday, March 2nd, 2023, and Friday, March 3rd, 2023.
My role as the Minister of National Infrastructure and Community Development and the actions and measures being undertaken.
• As we all know, infrastructure and sustainable development are positively interlinked, there are approximately 70 % of the greenhouse gases are linked to the construction and operation of infrastructure, and buildings alone are estimated to account for more than 30% of global resource consumption and energy end-use.
• The country is being faced with unprecedented flooding as an effect of climate change during the last few years.
• Mauritius is set to be exemplary in the fight against climate change and envisions a low-carbon sustainable society in line with the Paris Agreement.
• Mauritius has been among the first country to ratify the Paris Agreement in 2016 and its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) which was submitted ahead of the COP21 in 2015 had pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030 relative to the business as usual scenario.
• In 2018, the Government revamped the National Environment Fund by providing around Rs 2 billion ($ 50 million) in support of measures to mitigate flooding and water accumulation, rehabilitation of degraded coastal zones, solid waste management amongst others.
• Additionally, the Climate Change Act 2020 mentioned in Part 3 also commission studies on climate change, taking into consideration, inter alia, human rights, and cultural heritage and gender issues. However, at the moment, there are no tools to measure and monitor the impacts of climate change on human rights nor any social indicators to assess same on specific community groups.
• Mauritius being a Small Island State has developed the National Climate Change Mitigation Strategy and Action Plan has been developed under the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) for Low Carbon Island Development Strategy Project in December 2019 which will play a major role in the promotion of low emission pathway for Mauritius and in achieving its set mitigation objectives, strategies and action plan and for achieving a resilient and circular economy.
Adaptive measures proposed in the Motion as the Minister of National Infrastructure and Community Development
• To review the Mauritian Constitution in order to make provision for climate change and its impact on the enjoyment of the human rights of people in vulnerable situations.
• Review of the planning tools such as the Outline planning schemes to include zones to limit development in flood-prone areas as identified by the flood-prone areas which have been identified in the Land Drainage Master Plan which has been created by the Land Drainage Authority.
• New government buildings shall be built resilient to flash floods and other unpredictable weather conditions and existing government buildings to include the installation of solar panels for their own consumption.
• Update the existing National Development Strategy and develop a broad development strategy to develop more sustainable ways of transport with new road layouts such as cycling tracks and bus lanes to reduce traffic congestion and improve the transit capacity.
• To increase the opportunities for integration, by developing (in partnership with public transport operators and the private sector) high-quality interchange facilities for bus and light rail stations and the metro rail.
• Additional funds to be allocated to alleviate the problems of flooding in certain regions under the National Flood Management Programme
It is such an honor to serve as the Minister of National Infrastructure and Community Development of the National Youth Parliament 2023 of the Republic of Mauritius.
The National Youth Parliament was indeed a good opportunity for all of us to see how many young Patriots there are, willing to work for the Motherland. Our Country is in worthy hands, and we have indeed a great future ahead.
”Our nation is filled with tremendous energy of the youth. Whatever future we desire of, we must keep the youth at the center. If we do this, we can surge ahead at an unmatchable pace.” - Narendra Modi
If there is anything in it you find unsuitable, please let me know. I will be glad to look into it.

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