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The Yoga House: Revitalize your mind, body and soul

This winter, boost your mental and physical powers with the 5,000 year old art of Yoga. Known as a total mind-body workout, Yoga has numerous health benefits. So grab your mat and get to ‘The Yoga House’ in Mapou where you can enjoy a variety of yoga classes for instant gratification and long-term health benefits. If you are not motivated to work out during winter and prefer to stay comfy at home, we propose an alternative that will not only help you burn calories and tone your muscles but experience instant health benefits. Indeed, Yoga’s health benefits go far and beyond just helping you staying in shape. It improves your health on the whole and keeps sickness at bay. The Yoga House, at the Domaine de Labourdonnais, Mapou, proposes various yoga classes that will suit your personal physical and health state and demands and make you discover the healing powers of Yoga. The Yoga House is a project that started about two years ago. Launched on April 7 this year, the concept “is to create a place away from the busy life, where a person can feel safe and nurtured, take care of their body and obtain some type of empowerment through self-care and meditation,” says Yaëlle Currimjee. [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"19405","attributes":{"class":"media-image wp-image-33395 alignleft","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"315","height":"217","alt":"The-Yoga-House1"}}]]     It is after visiting the old ruins at the back of Le Chateau de Labourdonnais that the founders fell in love with the vibe of the place and decided that it was the ideal spot to launch the Yoga House. “Century old trees and typically Mauritian old stone buildings make this place a peaceful sanctuary in nature, ideal for Yoga and Wellness! During more than a year, we worked in close collaboration with the Labourdonnais team to renovate the ruins and create the Yoga House site with respect to nature, energy and history of the place. Even if some buildings were rebuilt completely (as they were impossible to renovate), we managed to keep the authenticity of the old long stone building with seven doors that were there and reorganised the space in order to create an amazing Yoga centre,” explains Yaëlle Currimjee. After identifying the perfect location, Yaelle and Mikael Currimjee (founder of the Yoga House) started to gather professional & big hearted Yoga & Pilates teachers in a team that shares the vision and the philosophy of the Yoga House. “Together we want to share our love of Yoga & Pilates and share a lifestyle with our Mauritian community as well as with tourists visiting Mauritius.” The yoga house offers 16 yoga classes and 6 pilates classes a week for the month of June as well Saturday masterclasses (2-3 hrs) or workshops. The yoga classes include Hatha, Vinyasa, Flow & restore, Yin, Kundalini, Nidra, Power, Kid’s and pre-teen Yoga but the program is monthly. Mikael reveals that new classes will be added in the near future such as Aerial Yoga, Chair Yoga and many more. Some amazing international guest teachers will also be offering workshops and training at the Yoga House as from September. [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"19406","attributes":{"class":"media-image aligncenter size-full wp-image-33396","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"500","height":"287","alt":"The-Yoga-House3"}}]]   The international yoga day will be celebrated next week on Tuesday 21st June. Declared by the United Nations General Assembly on 11th December 2014, the international yoga day is best described by the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi during his speech: “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. This tradition is 5000 years old. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change. Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day.” The Yoga House is open from 08:15 hrs until 19:45 hrs on weekdays and Saturday for special events. For more information, you can contact them: Facebook page: website: email: or phone 5448 2929
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