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Wakashio et marée noire : découvrez les «Terms of Reference» de la Court of Investigation

Les «Terms of Reference» de la Court of Investigation, chargée de faire la lumière sur le naufrage du MV Wakashio, au large de Pointe-d’Esny le 25 juillet dernier, sont désormais connus.


Ainsi, la Court of Investigation aura pour tâche d’enquêter et de faire la lumière sur les circonstances ayant conduit à l'échouement du MV Wakashio et à la rupture de la coque du vraquier. Elle aura aussi pour tâche de savoir si les pratiques et procédures habituelles de suivi et de surveillance des navires dans nos eaux territoriales ont été suivies.

De plus, la Court of Investigation devra déterminer la cause, l'ampleur et la portée des dommages causés par le MV Wakashio, y compris la marée noire causée par le déversement d’hydrocarbures dans nos lagons. Elle devra aussi évaluer les dommages qui en résultent pour l'environnement marin et côtier.

La Court of Investigation devra également déterminer l'efficacité de la préparation et de l'intervention globales des autorités compétentes en ce qui concerne les accidents maritimes ayant entraîné l'échouement et la rupture de la coque du MV Wakashio.

L'audition sera ouverte au public. Cependant, l’accès à la salle d'audience sera limité. Il sera également obligatoire de respecter le protocole sanitaire.

C’est Abdurrafeek Hamuth, ancien Puisne Judge, qui a été désigné comme président de la Court of Investigation.
Il sera assisté de Jean Mario Genevieve, Marine Engineer et Marine Surveyor, et Johnny Lam Kai Leung, Marine Surveyor.

La Court of Investigation accueille également les recommandations des membres du public. Toute personne, association ou organisation appropriée, qui souhaite être entendue devra fournir des détails personnels afin qu'elle puisse être informée de la date et de l'heure auxquelles elle pourra être appelée à déposer.

Pour plus d’informations à ce sujet, il faut contacter la Secrétaire de la Court of Investigation par courriel à l'adresse suivante : ou sur le 210 1783/ 5 704 3794 pendant les heures de bureau.

Plus de détails ci-dessous :





The Government has set up a Court of Investigation having as Chairman,  Mr Abdurrafeek Hamuth, GCSK, former Puisne Judge, and Mr Jean Mario Genevieve, Marine Engineer/Marine Surveyor and Mr Johnny Lam Kai Leung, Marine Surveyor, as members, to investigate into, and report on, inter-alia, the circumstances leading to the grounding of the MV Wakashio  off the  coast of Pointe  d’Esny on 25 July 2020 at around 19.30 hours and the breach of its hull.

The terms of reference  are as follows:


  1. To investigate into, and report on, the circumstances leading to the grounding of MV Wakashio off the coast of Pointe d’Esny on 25 July 2020 and breach of hull of the said vessel, including whether in regard to the shipping casualty that occurred on 25 July 2020 involving MV Wakashio, the standard practice and procedures for the tracking and monitoring of vessels in our territorial waters have been followed;
  2. To determine the cause, scale and extent of the damage caused by MV Wakashio, including the oil spill in the Mauritian waters and assess the resulting damage to the marine and coastal environment and marine life;
  3. Whether there was proper management and supervision  of the salvage operation of MV Wakashio by the ship owner, insurers and authorities in the aftermath of its grounding;
  4. Whether there was proper management of the planned sinking of the wreck or part thereof in the aftermath of the grounding of MV Wakashio;
  5. Whether there was proper management and supervision of the shipping casualty;
  6. The effectiveness of the overall preparedness and response of the relevant authorities in relation to the shipping casualties leading to the grounding and breach of the hull of MV Wakashio; and,
  7. Any other matter connected with or relevant or incidental to, paragraphs (a) to (f) above, and make recommendations as appropriate.

The Court of Investigation invites any person and/or appropriate Association/Organization who/which has credible information on the subject or wishes to depose before the said Court of Investigation, to inform the Secretary in writing, together with a brief statement on the specific issue which he/she/it wishes to bring to the attention of the Court of Investigation, and this not later than Friday 16 October, 2020 at the following address :

E-mail        :


Postal add:       Mr. A.M.Jeenathally,

                Secretary, Court of Investigation MV Wakashio,

                Ex Commercial Court Building,

                Pope Hennessy Street,

Port Louis.

The Court of Investigation further welcomes recommendations from members of the public, and any person and/or appropriate Association/Organisation  who/which wishes to be heard by the Court of Investigation will be required to furnish his/her/its full name, profession/ field of competence, as the case may be, and address (postal and electronic) and a contact telephone number so that he/she/it may be informed as to the date and time he/she/it may be called to depose before the Court of Investigation.

The hearing will be open to the public. Access will, however, be limited to the space available in the Court Room in strict compliance with Covid-19 Sanitary Protocol.

For further information, please contact the Secretary of the Court of Investigation by mail at the following address: or on : 210 1783/ 5 704 3794 during office hours.




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