Artificial Intelligence
Steps towards a Smart Mauritius
The World AI Show and the Blockchain Summit started on 28th November and will end today, on 30th November 2018 at the InterContinental Resort, Balaclava. Organized by the Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation in collaboration with the Economic Development Board and Trescon Global, this conference has gathered around 500 Artificial Intelligence (AI) experts, data scientists, academics and investors, among others.
Défi Job Career and Education Fair
Decide your career path
A variety of studying programs and attractive career prospects: This is what await students and jobseekers at the Défi Job Career and Education Fair taking place this weekend at La City, Trianon on Saturday 1st December and Sunday 2nd december. This first fair is organized by the Défi Media Group.
Adeelah Kodabux: “Wider Africa progressing in human development indicators whereas Mauritius’ trend reveals a decline”
As per various international rankings, Mauritius has not been doing too well lately, most specifically according to Mo Ibrahim. Senior Lecturer at the Middlesex University Mauritius, Adeelah Kodabux published a peer-reviewed article on the governance index, which has captured the attention of the research team at the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. In conversation this week with the Lecturer, we discussed why international raking is becoming so important for Mauritius. She also elaborates on Mauritius relations with China and India.
Global business
Budget Measures Put Mauritius on White List
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has released the latest progress report covering the assessment of 53 preferential tax regimes, including that of Mauritius. According to the report, Mauritius meets all international requirements and none of its local tax regimes have any harmful practices. This latest news reinforces the reputation of Mauritius as an international financial centre of substance.
Arty Rambharush
Struggles of an Educator to Earn a Ph.D.
Her story is that of a fighter who faced the adversities with courage and perseverance. Arty Rambharush, Educator at the New Educational College, come from a very modest background but worked hard to achieve her goals. A PhD holder, she now wants to lead as a role model for the younger generation.
Young Professionals
The New Declaration of Assets Bill: Transparency Required
Recently, the Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth announced that the new Declaration of Assets Bill will be soon a reality in Mauritius: A bill that the population has been waiting for since long. The New Declaration of Assets Bill will now be debated in parliament and this presents a major step for Mauritius. Should we proceed with this law to ensure transparency? Should it be made public? Debate.

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