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Voici la Une de News On Sunday de ce vendredi 28 Septembre 2018

news on sunday

Research and Innovation

Gliding into the Future

Automated homes, cashless buses, green buildings, blockchains, robotics are just a few innovations that have been rendering life easier and contributing to a prosperous economy. For centuries now, economic thinkers have worked on formulas to hoist emerging countries to a more thriving level through modernisation. In Mauritius, the Mauritius Research Council (MRC) has come forward with a scheme grant to promote innovation. Where do we stand in promoting a culture of innovation in various fields?


Salon Prêt à Partir

Exclusive Deals for your Dream Vacation

Your favorite destination is waiting for you. The 6th Edition of the Salon du Prêt à Partir will be held on the 5th, 6th and 7th of October at the Swami Vivekananda Pailles. Presented by Events Plus, in collaboration with Défi Deal, Le Défi Média Group and Radio Plus with Air Mauritius as main partner, the best travel deals are at your doorstep.

Yousuf Mohamed S.C:“Mauritius should be considered as one constituency”

The Electoral Reform is causing quite a stir among politicians these days. The allocation of additional seats – Best Loser Seats (BLS) in the National Assembly seemingly is to do away with the mandatory declaration of community, tackle a major issue related to the presence of women in politics, in others words, encourage the other half of our (female) population to be more active on the political front so that there is a fairly measurable number that can argue for women’s rights, and last but not the least, be cautious about the so-called “crossing” of floors. These are the major proposed amendments in an electoral reform by the Government. Yousuf Mohamed, former MP and S.C, states that with this proposal, the Government has lost its credibility.  For him, it is time for Mauritius to have a sole constituency.

Li Wan PO and Co Ltd

A Hundred Years’ History

The well-known family-owned business, Li Wan Po & Co. Ltd, is celebrating its 100th anniversary. Ranked 70th in the Top 100 Companies in Mauritius, the company has announced that a series of promotional activities will be organised until the end of the year.

Kritilata Ram

Bringing Sunshine to the Lives of the Less Fortunate

Being at the service of others is the sole purpose of her life. Kritilata Ram has dedicated more than 35 years of her life helping the poor, the disabled and empowering women. She has also won an award for being among the 100 Most Influential Women in Mauritius in 2017 and has been elected as chairperson of the Training, Development of NGOs and promotion of Entrepreneurship subcommittee, to organise training for the members of 400 NGOs who are registered with MACOSS throughout Mauritius.

Ron Kaufman in Mauritius

Discover the Secrets of Superior Service

Singapore Airlines, Xerox, Nokia Siemens, Marina Bay Sands and Changi Airport followed his methodology to achieve success. Making transformation is his mission and he is coming to our small island to help businesses to improve themselves. The top world speaker, Ron Kaufman, will be in Mauritius for a workshop on 30th October at Trianon Convention Centre. Organised by Woolich Education, with media partner Defimedia Group and Radio Plus, this workshop will focus on ‘The Secrets of Superior Service’.

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