
Time to depart from rhetoric

This year Labour Day was once more robbed of its symbolism by politicians who have their own distinctive agendas. Although trade unions did organize a few gatherings, political leaders monopolized the attention and made headlines.   As the two main opposition parties, namely the Mauritius Labour Party and the Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM) decided to shy away from organizing public gatherings on May 1, the Prime Minister and leader of the Lepep Alliance Sir Anerood Jugnauth had the chance to cash on his position as the most senior politician of the country. Instead of delivering a speech that would reposition the government regarding its socio-economic programme, more so he holds the portfolio of Finance and Economic Development, Sir Anerood Jugnauth indulged in vitriolic attacks against the former Prime Minister and leader of the Labour Party, Dr. Navin Ramgoolam. Interestingly enough, he not only referred to recent “scandals” in which Dr. Ramgoolam is allegedly involved (the latter was at the Intermediate Court on Monday with regards to the Roches Noires bungalow case) but he also dwelled into his more distant past. The story of the alleged dispute between Dr Ramgoolam and his former girlfriend was first revealed as a major “piece of news” by Sir Anerood Jugnauth during the electoral campaign in view of the general elections held on 20 December 1995. At that time, this revelation made at a press conference held at the Prime Minister’s Office, had practically no effect. In any case, it did not prevent Dr Ramgoolam and his then political ally Mr. Paul Bérenger to win the general elections.

“Dr. Ramgoolam described the government as being divided in three factions: the KGB, the Sun Trust and the “poule mouillé” (chicken –hearted). Some of his arguments did carry some weight like those on projected economic growth, the difficulty to restore confidence among prospective investors.”

The “Macarena Party” scandal did affect Dr. Ramgoolam’s political career as he eventually lost the general elections held on 11 September 2000. Similarly, the influence of Mrs Nandanee Soornack on the political sphere and her rocketing career as a businesswoman did have negative impacts on the local political scenery, more particularly on Dr. Ramgoolam’s political plans. But why did the Prime Minister chose to hit hard on Dr.Ramgoolam on Sunday, at the public meeting of the Lepep Alliance? For somebody who knows the nitty-gritty of politics, he intentionally plumped for a barrage fire against Dr. Ramgoolam. As recently as on Friday last, Dr. Ramgoolam and the Labour Party managed to pull a good crowd in Vacoas. Also, Dr. Ramgoolam stroke the right tone, and probably encouraged by the presence of enthusiastic partisans, set forth an unrelenting indictment against the Jugnauth-led government. Dr. Ramgoolam described the government as being divided in three factions: the KGB, the Sun Trust and the “poule mouillé” (chicken –hearted). Some of his arguments did carry some weight like those on projected economic growth, the difficulty to restore confidence among prospective investors following the fall of the BAI Group and the controversial Heritage City Project. These are probably the reasons for saltiness in the speech of Sir Anerood Jugnauth. His attacks against Dr. Ramgoolam, some police officers who still have a soft corner for the former Prime Minister, and the US Department of State are all intrinsically linked. Sir Anerood Jugnauth seems to suggest that the Police somehow spared Dr. Ramgoolam making his downfall less painful and that the authors of the recent report of the US Department of State have ignored some salient contextual facts and evidences. But this does not suffice to term the organisation as being “couillon” (stupid, just to avoid using the exact translation!), especially at a time when the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade, Mr. Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo has adopted a new approach, that of promoting economic diplomacy. Fittingly, it looked unreal when the Prime Minister, looking in the direction of his Minister of Foreign Affairs, urged him to denounce him to ICAC (the Independent Commission against Corruption) or the Police, should he have any compromising information on him. Mr. Lutchmeenaraidoo feigned bonhomie and burst out laughing.


Earlier, on Thursday 28 April last, after he participated in the laying of foundation stone ceremony of the Plaisance City, Sir Anerood Jugnauth gave yet another puckish reply: “Dir marsan ambilan anvole! (Tell the street hawkers to fly away)”. It would appear that not only Red Bull gives you wings, but SAJ also “gives you wings!”. The speech of Sir Anerood Jugnauth contrasted with that the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and leader of the PMSD, Mr Xavier-Luc Duval. Mr. Duval was more pragmatic in his approach, though at times depicting a protest spirit, especially when he insisted on equal opportunity and meritocracy, in the employment sector. Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Energy and Public Utilities and leader of the Muvman Liberater (ML) Mr. Ivan Collendavelloo gave the assurance that all political parties will be on board as the electoral reform makes way. We wonder why the leader of the Mouvement Socialiste Militant (MSM) Mr. Pravind Jugnauth preferred to criticize the leader of the Opposition and of the MMM Mr. Paul Bérenger to making an inspirational speech that could help draw him ahead of the rest of the fleet. The secretary general of the MSM Mr. Nando Bodha, flanked by the respective secretary generals of the PMSD (Dr Mamade Khodabaccus) and the ML (Mr.Eddy Boissézon) stated on Monday that the crowd present at the meeting of the Lepep Alliance stands as a testimony of the population’s support to SAJ’s leadership. Well, this is debatable, in the sense that it is hard to know what really motivates a partisan to be present at a political rally. Is it genuine political support or the prospect of benefitting freely from a trip to the seaside along with a plate of delicious briani after participating in a political gathering?


The same Mr. Nando Bodha made a very bizarre appeal to backbenchers of the majority when he was being interviewed by our colleague Jean-Luc Emile on Radio Plus on Thursday 28 May, 2016. He urged them to refrain from making “coups d’éclat” (glorious feats) and to think about their future. Regrettably, we learn from reports in the media that a dangerous trend has suddenly started, that of pressuring government back benchers so that they withdraw some of the questions put to some ministers. It so happened that MP Mr. Bashir Jahangeer decided not to proceed further with a parliamentary question, on the controversial issue of the purchase of gas turbines by the CEB, that he was to put to the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Energy and Public Utilities, Mr Ivan Collendavelloo. He later told the press that he did so “dans un souci d’apaisement (in a bid to cool down the situation). Mr. Collendavelloo had publicly blasted an MP hailing from the South, without mentioning his name. We learn from press reports that MP Mr. Sudesh Rughoobur faced a similar situation during the weekly meeting of the parliamentary group of the majority on Monday; he was urged to withdraw a question on the financial services sector addressed to the Minister of Financial Services, Good Governance and Institutional Reforms Mr. Roshi Bhadain. Earlier MP Mrs Danielle Selvon tried to speak out openly; she had no choice but to quit the MSM. MP Sangeet Fowdar who depicted political courage in expressing his views on Radio Plus has suddenly become so quiet. Coming back to the opposition parties, the MMM has organized a “journée de réflexion” (a day of réflexion) on the project of its new constitution at the Hennessy Park Hotel in Ebène on May 1. Gone are the days when the MMM would be on the streets and celebrate workers with workers. Its leaders have preferred to go for a retreat in a posh hotel to a popular gathering. The new constitution of the MMM, which is a laudable initiative though, has already triggered some resistance from …Mr. Paul Bérenger! Call it realism or pragmatism, the stand of the leader of the MMM will certainly impact on the final version of the constitution. Meanwhile, the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has a new chairperson and newly- appointed assessors after the former chairperson Mr. Brian Glover was evicted at the last moment. We guess that their agenda too would be different. “Tini ferm mam!” (stay firm pal!)
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