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Prestation de serment : plusieurs routes de la capitale fermées à la circulation ce lundi

Les automobilistes sont avertis : plusieurs routes et artères de la capitale seront fermées à la circulation entre midi et 19 heures ce lundi 23 janvier en raison de la cérémonie de prestation de serment du nouveau Premier ministre, Pravind Jugnauth, prévue à 15 heures à la place d’Armes, à Port-Louis. C’est ce qui ressort d’un communiqué émis par le commissaire de police Mario Nobin, ce dimanche 22 janvier.


Il sera aussi interdit de garer son véhicule dans plusieurs rues de Port-Louis de 5 heures à 19 heures ce jour-là. Les automobilistes devront prendre leur mal en patience et suivre les directives de la police. D’importantes déviations routières sont prévues en raison de la fermeture de ces routes.

Les routes concernées sont entre autres l’avenue Ferguson, Sir William Newton Street, La Chaussée et la rue Remy Ollier. Le Taxi Stand situé à la place d’Armes sera transféré à la rue Farquhar exceptionnellement de 5 heures à 19 heures.

Ci-dessous le communiqué où vous pouvez obtenir tous les détails sur les routes et rues concernées par cette décision de la police :

                                                                                                                                                                                                Annex B





          By virtue of authority conferred upon me by Section 25(3) of the Police Act and Section 181 of the Road Traffic Act, unless otherwise decided by Police, traffic arrangements as hereunder will be made in Port-Louis on Monday 23 January 2017 in connection with above.


          2.       Road Closure as from 1200 hrs to 1900 hrs on Monday 23.01.2017


          The following roads will be closed to normal vehicular traffic:


          (a)     The Northbound Motorway as from its junction MC

                   Donald and Ferguson Avenue;


          (b)     The Southbound Motorway as from MPCB to its

                   junction with Ferguson Avenue;


          (c)      Sir William Newton Street as from its junction at

                   Farquhar Street to that of Remy Ollier except VIP ;


          (d)     Ferguson Street as from its junction with Motorway to

                   that of Royal Street, except for VIP Cars;


          (e)     Poudrière Street from its junction at Chaussée Street to

                   that of Mallefille Street;


          (f)      Duke of Edinburgh Avenue as from its junction with

                   Farquhar Street to that of Royal Street; and



          (g)     Intendance Street as from its junction with Mallefille

                   Street to that of Chaussée Street. Normal Route Buses

                   to Immigration Square Bus Stand will be diverted at  

                   c/o Jules Koenig/SSR.


          (h)     Queen Street will be closed from junction with Bourdon Street          to Place D’Armes


3.       No Parking Area as from 0500 hrs on Monday 23.01.2017


As from 0500 hrs to 1900 hrs the following streets will be NO PARKING ZONES:


          (a)     Farquhar Street from Duke of Edinburgh to its junction

                   with Sir William Newton Street;


          (b)     Sir William Newton Street from its junction with the Motorway to that of Remy Ollier Street;


          (c)      Royal Street from its junction with Queen Elizabeth II

                   Avenue to that of La Corderie Street;


          (f)      Chaussée Street from its junction with Intendance

                   Street to C/Antelme Street;


          (g)     Duke of Edinburgh Ave from Royal Street to that of

                   Farquhar Street;


          (h)     Queen Elizabeth from Chaussée to that of John Kennedy



          (i)      Intendance from Mallefille to that of Chaussée Street

                   except VIP cars;


          (j)      John Kennedy Street from Ferrière to that of Queen

                  Elizabeth Ave;


          (k)     Dr. Ferrière Street upper part except emergency vehicle

                   i.e Police, Ambulance & Fire Brigade; and


          (l)      Poudrière Street from Chaussée Street to that of

                   Mallefille Street.


4.       Transfer of Taxi Stand (as from 0500 hrs to 1900 hrs) on Monday 23.01.2017


          The Taxi Stand of Place D’Armes will be transferred to Farquhar Street.


5.       Parking for VIPs on Monday 23.01.2017


          Parking for VIPS will be as follows:-


          (a)     Duke of Edinburgh Avenue as from its junction with

                   Motorway to that of Royal Street;


          (b)     Ferguson Avenue as from its junction with Motorway

                   to that of Royal Street;


          (c)      Mallefille Street as from its junction with Intendance

                   Street to that of Poudrière Street; and


          (d)     Sir William Newton from its junction with Farquhar to

                   that of Remy Ollier Street.


6.       Diversion of traffic on Monday 23.01.2017


(i)      The following diversion scheme will be implemented as from 1200 hrs to 1900 hrs:


          (a)     The traffic will be reversed along  Sir William Newton Street as                          from it  junction with Queen Street to that of Royal Street.                   


(ii)     NORMAL VEHICULAR TRAFFIC – From 1200 hrs to 1900 hrs on Monday 23.01.2017


          (a)     Normal vehicular traffic coming from the North on the

                   Southbound Motorway and proceeding to the City

                    Centre will be diverted into Farquhar Street (at the

                   level of St Antoine Church) via Louis Pasteur Street

                   towards City Centre;


          (b)     Normal vehicular traffic coming from the South on the

                   Northbound Motorway and proceeding to the City

                   Centre will be diverted into Louis Pasteur towards

                   Royal Street and SSR Street;


          (c)      Vehicular traffic leaving the City Centre for the South will                          proceed either through Mallefille Street, Brown Sequard Street,                           Orleans Street and Deschartes Street OR through                                          Labourdonnais Street and Mgr Leen Street; and


          (d)     Vehicular traffic leaving the City Centre for the North will                          proceed through Remy Ollier Street towards the North.







(iii)    NORMAL ROUTE BUSES From 1200 hrs to 1900 hrs on Monday 23.01.2017


          (a)     Normal route buses leaving Immigration Square and

                   proceeding to Bell Village will be diverted into Louis

                    Pasteur Street – SSR Street towards Bell Village.


          (b)     Normal route buses from Cite Vallijee proceeding towards                          Immigration Square will pass thorugh Remy Ollier, Louis                           Pasteur Street, SSR Street and Edgar Laurent Street.




Non compliance with these traffic arrangements will entail judicial proceedings.

The cooperation and understanding of the public would be much appreciated.




                                                                   Mr K.M. Nobin, PMSM, 


22.01.2017                                                          Commissioner of Police


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