News on Sunday

Premdut Koonjoo: ‘My Ministry encourages joint ventures between local and foreign promoters’

Premdut Koonjoo: ‘My Ministry encourages joint ventures between local and foreign promoters’

A series of activities was organised by the Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping, in collaboration with other stakeholders to mark World Oceans Day last week, from 03 to 09 June 2017.The theme for this year is “Our Oceans, Our Future”. 


The activities organised to mark the event were namely guided visits at the Blue Bay Marine Park Centre; a regatta at Mahebourg and the inauguration of the new building of the Mauritius Oceanography Institute (MOI) at Albion.

On 8 June, the Minister of Finance announced in his Budget speech that the Ocean Economy represents the building of a future pillar and enumerated seven measures to boost the sector- fishing rights permits, provide fishermen cooperatives with the facilities to transform their fish catch and to acquire semi-industrial vessels, to provide grants for the acquisition of refrigeration vehicles, to promote coral farming by fishermen and SMEs, appropriate amendments will be made to the Maritime Zone Act to cater for marina development and seventh, the Mauritius Shipping Corporation Ltd, in collaboration with the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, will set up a new Maritime Training Institute that will focus on training our youths for jobs on cruise ships and in the maritime sector.

Premdut Koonjoo was elected in constituency no.11 He was appointed Minister of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping after the election of Dec 2014.

News on Sunday called upon the Minister to elaborate on his strategic plan to turn the Ocean economy into another pillar of the economy in the near future.

What is the Ministry doing in order to sensitize Mauritians that their future is in the Ocean?

Government is committed to making the Ocean Economy a new pillar of our economy, to sustain job creation and wealth generation. There are opportunities to develop several sectors of the Ocean Economy such as fishing, processing and value addition, aquaculture, shipping, port services and cruise tourism. With a view to sensitize Mauritians on the vast potential of the Ocean, my Ministry is carrying out several activities which include:

Sensitization campaigns with fishermen at several sites (e.g. benefit for closure of the octopus fishery around the island). Awareness programme are also included in the modules of the various training courses dispensed at Fisheries Training and Extension Centre (FiTEC). 

Open days are also organised by the Ministry at the AFRC and Blue Bay Marine Park. Visits to Albion Fisheries Research Centre (AFRC) by students, people from other institutions, fishermen and public in general are effected. 

Attachment programmes of University students in the field of Ocean studies to the AFRC are carried out on a regular basis. 

The Mauritius Maritime Training Academy (MMTA) also conducts sensitization programmes in secondary schools and in pre-vocational training institutions all the year round as a continuous project. Open days are also held by the MMTA jointly with the Shipping Division, for the general public as a continuous project. 

What are the projects concerning the exploitation of our Ocean?

In order to harness in a sustainable manner the immense potential of our Exclusive Economic Zone, the Ministry has prioritized a number of projects:

My Ministry encourages joint ventures between local and foreign promoters to invest in the fishing industry (fishing and processing) and to register their vessels in Mauritius. Two companies, one from France (La Reunion) and the other from South Africa, are presently engaged in high sea fishing. They are operating a total of seven vessels and intend to bring additional fishing vessels. The Government provides different schemes and incentives for the fishermen to diversify their activity to the off lagoon from the already overfished lagoons. In order to encourage outer-reef and bank fishing, a grant of 50 percent, up to a ceiling of Rs. 4 million will be given to cooperative societies to enable them to acquire semi-industrial fishing boats fitted with inboard engine and all navigation, communication, safety and appropriate fishing equipment. The Ministry is also implementing a new incentive scheme with a tax holiday of eight years to attract industrial fishing companies to contribute to the development of the Ocean Economy. 

Strategically located in the Indian Ocean, Mauritius is a hub for shipping companies, ship building and repairs, fish processing, bunkering and port related activities.  Some 1,000 callings of fishing vessels are registered at Port Louis, bringing some Rs. 10 billion on a year basis. The development of aquaculture is high on the agenda of the Government and many measures are being taken to promote the development. 

How far can young people be engaged in high sea fishing as a means of employment?

With a view to address the issue of unemployment among youth and the lack of job opportunities inland, there is a need to motivate young people toward looking into job opportunities in the marine sector. 

There are many opportunities in the marine sector, especially in the field of fishing. Some of the jobs that may be offered include, skippers, marine crew, cruise crew members, banks fishermen, ship repairs and building, etc.

In this regard, the MMTA has as at date trained 1,243 persons. The MMTA, jointly with FiTEC, has also trained 26 Skippers to operate fishing boats less than 24 meters. 

What about the creation of an Indian Ocean Cruise as a means of leisure?

As part of the development of the marine space, the MPA is currently developing the cruise sector. Given that tourism is one of the major pillars for economic growth, this initiative will further develop the sector. The project could also eventually serve as an affordable and accessible leisure for the public at large. The MMTA is dispensing training on safety aspects as part of the requirement for courses on Cruise Tourism. These trained persons have the opportunity to secure jobs in local and foreign cruise vessels.  

What are the Agreements signed with friendly countries:

Given that Mauritius owns fewer vessels to exploit the fishery resources in our EEZ, Mauritius has entered into a number of fishing agreements with foreign countries to enable fishing in its EEZ. The agreements also provide opportunities for Mauritius vessels to fish in the EEZ of other states. This will enable our local processing plants to source more originating raw materials for export purposes. 

The 3rd Round of Negotiation for the renewal of the Fisheries Partnership Protocol and Joint Committee meeting with EU was successfully concluded in Mauritius from 24 to 26 April 2017.  The new Protocol is of duration of four years from the date of provisional application.

Fishing Agreement between Mauritius and the Japan Tuna Fisheries Cooperative Association provides opportunities for Japanese fishing vessels to operate in the EEZ of Mauritius.

A new reciprocal Fishing Agreement between Mauritius and Seychelles for fishing in Seychelles and Mauritius waters has been concluded and signed in the Republic of Seychelles on 20 February 2017 and will be operational shortly. 

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