News on Sunday

PM inaugurates new Traffic Centre in Réduit

On Wednesday, the Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth, in presence of the Minister of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport, Mr Nandcoomar Bodha, and other eminent personalities, inaugurated the latest transport infrastructure project in Réduit.


In his address, the Prime Minister reiterated government’s commitment to ease the life of the population by providing better modern public infrastructure and improved services at all levels whether in health and transport, or energy and water sectors. Recalling that road congestion costs the country Rs 4 billion a year, he pointed out that the Réduit Traffic centre was a requisite to reduce traffic jam in the area and ensure the safety of both commuters and motorists. He added that this facility is in line with upcoming projects in the region namely a state-of-the-art sports complex and an administrative city in Côte d’Or.

The role played by the private sector to the expected 7% growth in the construction sector was outlined by Pravind Jugnauth. Among the main endeavours are the Smart City projects for which construction works have already started in Mon Trésor, Moka and Médine. On that score he made an appeal to the population for discipline, hard work and increased productivity so that Mauritius can be set as a champion in the region and an example to the world.

New National Transport Network

The Minister of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport, Nandcoomar Bodha, also present at the event, focussed on the transformation of the transport network into a modern and effective one that responds to the needs of the citizen, boosts the country’s development and brings prosperity which was the main focus of the speech.

The Minister highlighted the massive investments to expand the transport network through new road projects such as the Jumbo-Phoenix round-about, the second fly-over to connect directly the M1 to the Terre Rouge Verdun motorway, and the A1M1 Bridge (Sorèze), amongst others.

According to Nandcoomar Bodha, traffic and urban modelling will transform Mauritius. He cited the forthcoming changes to redefine and modernise bus terminals in Port Louis, Rose-Hill, Vacoas and Curepipe, pointing out that the Victoria Bus Terminal will be the first one to be overhauled through a private investment of Rs 1.7 billion. The Minister spoke on the fully integrated public transport system that will encompass both the Metro and the buses. While referring to Margéot Square in Rose-Hill where a Metro station will be situated, the Minister said that 12 bus shuttles will be integrated with the Metro schedules and will be feeding passengers at five minutes interval.

Traffic Centre in Réduit

The Traffic centre project in Réduit, constructed to the tune of Rs 27 million, has been implemented by the Traffic Management and Road Safety Unit in collaboration with the Road Development Authority to cater for some 13,000 students commuting to and from the tertiary institutions located in the area. It consists of six platforms for alighting and boarding, and an adjoined parking bay with spaces for 208 vehicles together with an exit ramp towards Julius Nyerere Street. The Traffic centre serves 27 bus routes.

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