News on Sunday

Performance of regional colleges : small schools in the field of big league

Regional colleges standout year by year with their performance at Higher School Certificate (HSC) level. Besides producing laureates, regional colleges around the island are distinguishing themselves by having many students ranked in the scholarship list after the laureates. Should we expect more from these colleges in the future? 

The 9,408 candidates who sat for the Higher School Certificate obtained their results last Friday.  This year’s pass rate has known a slight improvement with 74.90% compared to the 74.37% success rate in 2017. Among the candidates who took part, 2,013 of them competed for a State scholarship. However, what has been positively noted again this year is that among the 45 laureates, candidates from regional colleges have distinguished themselves. Among them are the Rajcoomar Gujadhur SSS, Sookdeo Bissoondoyal State College and Piton State College.


Indeed since some years, the scholarships are not only ‘reserved’ for students from what we call star colleges but they come from secondary institutions around the island. Among the list of Top 500 Scholarship Listing for Year 2018 colleges, we find those such as the Modern College, Lady Sushil Ramgoolam SSS, Dr James Burty David SSS, Sir A. Razack Mohamed SSS, R. Seeneevassen SSS, Swami Vivekananda SSS, Sodnac SSS, Hindu Girls College, Beekrumsing Ramlallah SSS, Vacoas SSS, Seewa Bappoo SSS, Camp de Masque State College, Sharma Jugdambi SSS and more. 

Do these results break the trend and belief that laureates and top performing students come from star colleges only? Can we expect more laureates and scholarship ranking among regional colleges in the years to come? It was announced as part of the Education Reform, 16 additional scholarships dedicated to students from regional colleges should be introduced with the creation of academies in 2021. Rectors of regional colleges share with us their viewpoints on the matter.

Vikash Ramdonee : “Repeating a class means more chances to perform better later”

Vikash RamdoneeWith two students ranked in the Top 500 scholarship list after laureates, Beekrumsing Ramlallah SSS (also known as Mapou SSS) has equally shown this year that regional colleges are also good contenders. “It is the first time that we have students ranked among the Top 500. Our HSC results this year has positively gone up by 10%. Our students are mostly in the below average range and we, at school, work extremely hard to provide students with the best of education and support.  

I truly believe that in the near future, we will produce more laureates and students ranked after laureates.” Vikash Ramdonee utters that even though there will be 12 academies in 2012 in line with the Education Reform, they will not be able to absorb all the good elements. “Many well-performing students will stay in their regional colleges for their HSC studies. For example, in our school, we have a dedicated staff striving to motivate and support our students.” The Rector also underlines that it is significant for parents to understand that when their wards are not performing well, they must repeat a class.

“When a low performing student is promoted, he/she will definitely not secure a good grading at the first sitting of SC or HSC exams. Often, parents cannot afford to pay for the exam fees a second time, and the students do not wish to pursue their studies. Parents must thus be conscious that repeating a class means more chances to perform better later.”

Mira Bissoonauthsing : “We will have more laureates in regional colleges”

The Rector of Seewa Bappoo SSS states that the competition for laureates is very tough. “However, with good team work, which comprises the student, parents, along with the support of the teachers and school, a student can definitely become a laureate.” Mira Bissoonauthsing trusts that there will definitely be more laureates from regional colleges in the years to come. “In three or four years, we will have more laureates and also many students from regional colleges ranked in the scholarships listing. I totally believe in this happening because there are no Grade 7 and Grade 8 in star colleges.

Students go to regional colleges and among them are many future laureates. We, at the school level, have to motivate our students to stay in our institution to complete their HSC studies. For example, at our school, we always tell our students that they have the potential to do good work. I also trust that with the 16 additional scholarships targeting regional colleges, which will be introduced soon, students will definitely be encouraged to remain in the secondary institution where they started their studies.” However, she underlines that all students need to apply discipline and perseverance in order to achieve their goals, regardless of the secondary institution they are attending. 

Ranjan Betchoo : “Low achievers would later perform extremely well”

Ranjan BetchooIn addition to one laureate, the Piton State College has nine students ranked in the scholarship listing for year 2018. “It is all about the efforts students put in. However, I also believe that parents’ support is vital. Nowadays, there are parents who are too lenient with their wards. They do not monitor and support their children as they should and this has a direct impact on their studies and on academic performance,” states the Rector of Piton SC.

Ranjan Betchoo also trusts that there will be more laureates from regional colleges in the near future. “But each student and all stakeholders in the education sector must have the sense of duty and responsibility. We must no longer have the mindset that if one has the best school and the best teachers, he/she will perform well. In some ways, it can be true but not totally. I have witnessed how students who were low achievers in class would later perform extremely well. They become more mature and they are aware that they need to work very hard to succeed.”

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