News on Sunday

Nicole Lueutier: You never stop creating new things

At the age of 62, when most people are enjoying their retirement, Nicole Lueutier chose to remain active. For years, she stuck with her role of being a housewife and mother. When she turned 37, she decided to embark in entrepreneurship by making creative products with rattan as raw material. Nicole Lueutier has a passion for creativity. He product line-up includes baskets, vases, trays, bags, ashtrays, and tables. All made of out rattan! For any occasion, whether it is for baptism, first communion, birthday or wedding, this lady can create things that will leave an impact on the mind of people. Nicole reveals that 25 years ago, she decided to set up her own business. She was never cut for being an employee. Since then, her business has been flourishing. “Until then, I had never worked, whether before or after marriage. Moreover, when my children were born, it was even more difficult to take on any professional commitments. In addition, my mother was sick and I was the only one caring for her. So, I never had the opportunity to work,” she narrates. However, once her children were grown up and became more independent, she found herself getting bored at home with not much to do. Therefore, she decided to follow some courses at the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA). “Through courses that I followed, I became interested in creating products using rattan. While concentrating on this technique during the course, I also developed a passion for this activity, “she says.

Price range of products

At the beginning, she was creating things as a hobby and for relatives. Over time, she became more engaged in this activity, and her hobby had become a source of income. Nicole says that at SMEDA, she also got the opportunity to learn knitting techniques with banana stems and papyrus. “But I focused solely on rattan because I think rattan products are popular in Mauritius. They are also more durable and easy to repair unlike bamboo products,” claims Nicole. The biggest concern, however, remains the price of the raw material. “When I started this job, half a kilo of rattan would fetch around Rs 75. Today, the same quantity is sold at Rs 250,” she deplores. Nicole says that nowadays, rattan products are considered a luxury for which demand is very high. “I receive orders almost every day. In fact, I recently I received an order for 30 baskets from Casela Nature Park. Hotels and shopping centres also form part of my clientèle,” she shares. There is no competition in the field, says the entrepreneur. “Besides, it is an activity that is becoming increasingly rare. Many people who were in the business are discouraged because the work requires a lot of patience, time and most of all, passion,” she admits. For her, rattan products are value-added products. Besides the creative part, Nicole is also involved in training. “At the request of some young people, I offer courses in different regions including Pointe aux Sables, Glen Park, Belle Rose,” she says. Her future project is to offer courses to orphans. “I have learned a lot in this business. I now want to transmit the same knowledge to young people who in the future can create their own business,” she says.

Personal life

Nicole has two sons aged 27 and 28 years respectively and has three grandchildren, The entrepreneur considers herself to be a lucky woman. “I am very proud that my activity contributed significantly towards my children’s education. They are now independent and successful. I also have the support of my husband who often helps me when I have lots of orders,” she says. Besides her creations of rattan, Nicole is also a florist. In fact, she says that she is passionate about everything related to creativity. “Once you enter the world of art, you never stop creating new things,” she says. Watching TV is a part-time activity. “I love to watch the show, ‘N’oublie pas les paroles’ but always with some rattan in hand,” she says.
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