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Marché des changes : la BoM vend 100 millions de dollars sur le marché intérieur

La Banque de Maurice (BoM) est intervenue ce mercredi sur le marché des devises. Un montant de 100 millions de dollars a été vendu au taux de Rs 43,80 le dollar.


« In line with its close and continuous monitoring of the evolution of the domestic foreign exchange market, the Bank of Mauritius (Bank) sold USD 40 Million on the domestic market on 26 October 2022, and has today intervened for an amount of USD 100 million at the market-determined rate of Rs 43.80 per USD. Amongst others, this latest intervention aims at further containing inflation in the country. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bank has intervened on the domestic foreign exchange market for a total of USD 3.5 Billion», explique la BoM dans un communiqué.

Ci-dessous le communiqué :




  • defimoteur



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