The Organisation for Diaspora Initiatives (ODI), under the presidency of Mrs Ranjeeta Bunwaree, has organised a symposium on “Intangible Diaspora Heritage in Mauritius” at the Indira Gandhi Cultural Centre Phoenix on Saturday. The resource persons were Dr Sarita Boodhoo president of Bhojpuri Speaking Union, Mrs Daniella Bestien anthropologist from the University of Mauritius, and Miss Jessy Hu Qiao Fun, of Consfucius Institute from Beijing.
The panel elaborated with minute details the rich legacy of their respective diasporas. Dr Sarita Boodhoo has retraced the long journey tainted with blood, sweat and tears of the early Indian indentured labourers to Mauritius and her expose was accompanied by the live scenes with songs and recitations of Bhagavad Gita executed by her group of singers. Mrs Daniella Bestien has talked on the origins and evolution of Sega Typique and Tambour and in the end, she gave a long list of Bhojpuri words now transposed in the Kreol language.
She has enthralled the audience with a song of Ti Frere. Miss Jessy Hu Qiao Fun talked on the Chinese Lion and Dragon Dance and Chinese calligraphy. She enlightened the audience on the significance of these dances during the festive seasons and finally she delved into the art of Chinses calligraphy. Antoine Hin Chan from a student of the Chinese Cultural Centre interpreted two melodious mandarin songs. The presenter was Philip Li Ching Hum.

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