The Defimedia Group launched its website concerning health care on Tuesday 14th November 2017, in the context of World Diabetes Day at Emmanuelle Anquetil Building in the presence of Minister of Health Dr Anwar Husnoo, Bruno La Charmante of Events Plus, Fouad Jaddoo, Group Coordination Manager, Fateema Capery, responsible of the Défi santé website, manager, Manouraj Gungea, head of defimedia.info and Jane Lutchmaya, Chief Editor, among others.
In his address, Dr. Anwar Husnoo stated that 40% of the population is at risk of having diabetes. He referred to the action plans put into place. The first consists of sending SMS twice a week in order to sensitise the population on how to control diabetes. The second plan is the implementation of a Mauritius Intensive Diabetes Action Study for 5,000 patients who suffer from diabetes and who will be assessed intensively in order to help them to control their health and inform if they have any complications.
Defisante.mu : A one-stop shop for a better health
The website is a full fledged health website with several topics concerning diseases, nutrition, well-being, psychology, beauty care, fitness, seniors, sexuality and other useful tips. Professionals from different fields will give advice on different aspects regularly. Several tips will be adapted to the lifestyle of Mauritians.
For Fateema Capery, the in charge of the micro site, in just one simple click, people will have all information and a phone number about services they are searching for. Head of HYPERLINK “http://www.defimedia.info” www.defimedia.info, Manouraj Gungea, declares that in the digital age, it is wise to offer our audience a multimedia platform to offer all the information possible in the field of health.
For its launching, a complete feature on diabetes has been posted for the public. Topics such as disease management, diabetic nutrition, gestational diabetes during pregnancy, diabetic sexuality, the importance of physical activities for a diabetic person have been addressed by professionals.
In addition, the website includes other information for the public including emergency numbers, pharmacies on duty and the list of hospitals. People usually take a lot of time to search for information about doctors. This website provides a directory that consists of lists including general practitioners, orthopaedics, gynaecologists, dentists, paediatricians and so on.
Those who are interested in fitness or beauty care will have the opportunity to follow closely the advice of beauticians and experts. On the website, individuals can also calculate their body mass index, ovulation course, pregnancy development or even calories.
Those who missed the Xplik or K Santé broadcast on Tuesdays, as from 9am on Radio Plus, have nothing to fear because they can listen to the broadcast on the website when they are free. In addition, there will be other videos with lots of tips and tricks to make your day even easier.

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