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Contrat Betamax résilié: Ashit Gungah déclare que la STC a économisé Rs 150 millions en 10 mois

La State Trading Corporation (STC) a économisé 4 082 559 dollars américains [environ Rs 150 483 124 au taux actuel] en 10 mois depuis la résiliation du contrat de la compagnie Betamax pour le transport de produits pétroliers entre l’Inde et l’île Maurice.


Le gouvernement a résilié le contrat Betamax fin janvier 2015. C’est ce qui ressort d’une déclaration [statement] à l’Assemblée nationale mercredi 2 décembre par le ministre de l’Industrie et du Commerce Ashit Gungah. C’est en novembre 2009 que la STC a signé un contrat avec Betamax Ltd pout le transport de produits pétroliers ; un contrat d’une durée de 15 ans au coût de Rs 10 milliards. Le « contract of affreightment » a pris effet en mai 2011. «From May 2011 to January 2015, Betamax Ltd had transported 4,067,703 tons of petroleum products for the STC for which the STC had paid the sum of 125,244,128 USD to Betamax Ltd, that is, an average of 30.79 USD per ton. «For the period February to November 2015, the STC had recourse to spot charters for the transportation of 859,486 tons of petroleum products and has paid freight and demurrage amounting to 22,383,358 USD, that is, an average rate of 26.04 USD per ton. Thus, the STC has saved 4.75 USD per ton, representing a total amount of 4,082,559 USD for the said period», a précisé Ashit Gungah. Le ministre de l’Industrie et du Commerce a aussi souligné que la STC a lancé un exercice d’appel d’offres pour le contrat concernant le transport de produits pétroliers pour la période de décembre 2015 à juin 2016 ; affirmant que la STC «had enlisted the services of an international consultant, Ocean 5 Gmbh, for that purpose». «I am informed by the STC that on 26 and 30 November 2015, it has proceeded with the award of two Contracts of Affreightment for the transportation of white oils and black oils respectively for the period covering December 2015 to July 2016», explique le ministre. Pour Ashit Gungah, la STC ferait des économies de l’ordre de Rs 350 000 pour la période couvrant février 2015 à juillet 2016.

Intégralité de la déclaration du ministre Ashit Gungah à l’Assemblée nationale mercredi 2 décembre:

The State Trading Corporation Transportation costs for petroleum products 1. Madam Speaker, with your permission, I propose to make a statement with regard to the costs incurred by the State Trading Corporation (STC) for the transportation of petroleum products for the country from May 2011 to July 2016. 2. On 08 September 2015, I informed the House that in November 2009, the STC signed a Contract of Affreightment (COA) with Betamax Ltd for the transportation of petroleum products over a period of 15 years at an estimated minimum cost of 10 billion rupees, excluding the cost of bunker fuel, demurrage fees, port dues, and the element of escalation rate. The COA became effective in May 2011. 3. Towards the end of January 2015, the STC stopped having recourse to the services of Betamax Ltd. 4. From May 2011 to January 2015, Betamax Ltd had transported 4,067,703 tons of petroleum products for the STC for which the STC had paid the sum of 125,244,128 USD to Betamax Ltd, that is, an average of 30.79 USD per ton. 5. For the period February to November 2015, the STC had recourse to spot charters for the transportation of 859,486 tons of petroleum products and has paid freight and demurrage amounting to 22,383,358 USD, that is, an average rate of 26.04 USD per ton. Thus, the STC has saved 4.75 USD per ton, representing a total amount of 4,082,559 USD for the said period. 6. In the meantime, the STC has carried out a tender exercise for the award of Contracts of Affreightment to cover the period December 2015 to July 2016, that is, the end of the current contract of supply of petroleum products between the STC and the Mangalore Refinery Petrochemicals Ltd. The STC had enlisted the services of an international consultant, Ocean 5 Gmbh, for that purpose. 7. I am informed by the STC that on 26 and 30 November 2015, it has proceeded with the award of two Contracts of Affreightment for the transportation of white oils and black oils respectively for the period covering December 2015 to July 2016. 8. As per these COAs, the STC estimates that 786,000 tons of petroleum products would be transported to Mauritius with freight costs amounting to 17,910,480 USD, that is, an average of 22.78 USD per ton, excluding demurrage fees. 9. In this context, when making provision for two days of demurrage per trip, the average cost for freight and demurrage would amount to 23.79 USD per ton. 10. Thus, when compared with the average rate of 30.79 USD per ton paid to Betamax Ltd, it is estimated that the savings to be made by the STC would range between 7 to 8.01 USD per ton, representing a total amount between 5,502,000 to 6,295,860 USD for the period December 2015 to July 2016. 11. Consequently, for the period February 2015 to July 2016, the STC would make savings of not less than 9.5 million USD. I thank you, Madam Speaker.

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