Dear brothers and sisters, we would like to start this letter by offering our sincere and humble apologies to Mauritian society as a whole, and in particular to those who felt directly targeted by the song sung by the RCC students during the celebration of the laureates.
We recognize that this song has hurt the feelings of many and we acknowledge that our children must take responsibility for their actions. Beyond the debate about whether this song has existed for a long time, and what the lyrics may or may not have been original, we agree that the singing was wrong and it has to stop. Now is the time for all stakeholders to come together with a firm stand to redress the situation to stop vulgarity and offensive songs in all their forms.
As remorseful as we may be, yet we shall stay rational to avoid treading on slippery grounds. We should not allow room for any further excess either in the form of discrimination or resorting to any form of assault and abuse against the students. Furthermore, we believe that the sanction to be applied must remain a penalty that is proportional to the gravity or seriousness of the act committed.
We, parents, want to reaffirm that our children truly do not harbour any heinous feelings towards one another. On the contrary, we have so often praised the spirit of brotherhood which prevails amongst all students at RCC. We have had live testimonies from former students on the radio and we have listened to our children as well. No harm was ever intended. Hence, we shall be much obliged if the public anger is not given a sectarian tone that may escalate into sad events which we shall all regret later.
We also take note the students conceded that the lyrics of the song were certainly offensive. The students also admit that they did not follow the prohibitionary note issued by the rector prior to the celebration.
As of now, sanctions have been taken and we as members of the PTA agree with the decision that Sports Day has been cancelled and the 1-day vacation which had been sanctioned by the school administration in honour of the laureates be repealed.
The PTA is presently working with the school administration to follow up on the aftermath of this regretful incident. The Ministry is also supporting the school by providing counselling sessions to the students. It is a time when we should be by the side of our children more than ever. It is now a matter that the students reconstruct their understanding of the world to be more tolerant and adjust their vision of the world to better fit the realities of Mauritian society. So let us all give a helping hand in this endeavour.
“Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates us.”
RCC PTA members

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