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Affaire des coffres-forts : le DPP instruit un procès contre Ramgoolam et fait deux suggestions 

Le Directeur des poursuites publiques (DPP) a instruit ce vendredi 20 octobre un procès contre l’ex-Premier ministre dans l’affaire des coffres-forts. Navin Ramgoolam sera poursuivi pour «accepting payments in cash in excess of an amount equivalent to 500,000 rupees» sous l’article 5 de la Financial Intelligence and Anti-Money Laundering Act. C’est ce qui ressort d’un communiqué émis par le bureau du DPP ce vendredi 20 octobre. 


Le DPP a aussi recommandé au commissaire de police de remettre un rapport écrit à l’Integrity Reporting Services Agency sous l’article 9(2) de la Good Governance and Integrity Reporting Act et de référer l’enquête de la police à la Mauritius Revenue Authority pour des «possible revenue offences». Le procès se déroulera en cour intermédiaire. 

Navin Ramgoolam avait été arrêté puis  libéré sous caution dans le cadre de la saisie des coffres-forts contenant Rs 220 millions à son domicile à Riverwalk en février 2015. 

Ci-dessous le communiqué du bureau du DPP :

Case OB 92/2015 – CCID against former Prime Minister Dr Navinchandra Ramgoolam

During a search carried out at the residence of former Prime Minister Dr Navinchandra Ramgoolam in River Walk, Vacoas on 06 February 2015, by virtue of a search warrant, huge sums of money in Mauritian and foreign currencies were found in various safes and suitcases.

These sums of money were duly secured by the police for the purpose of enquiry. The police initially completed their enquiry and submitted their file to this Office for advice on 03 February 2017. This Office requested further investigations to be carried out on several occasions. After their further investigations, the police submitted back their file for final advice on 12 October 2017.

A team of senior officers of this Office was set up to review the evidence gathered by the police during their enquiry, with a view to submitting its opinion as to whether Dr Navinchandra Ramgoolam may be amenable to prosecution for possible offences under the law.

The enquiry has revealed that part of the sums of money secured included 17 individually wrapped bundles of 100, 000 US dollars as well as 6 individually wrapped bundles of 1, 000, 000 Mauritian rupees.

After a thorough analysis of the evidence on record, the senior officers have recommended to the Director of Public Prosecutions that Dr Navinchandra Ramgoolam be prosecuted under section 5 of the Financial Intelligence and Anti-Money Laundering Act for the individually wrapped bundles of US dollars and Mauritian rupees.

The team of senior officers has also recommended that a referral be made to other appropriate investigative agencies for further consideration under their relevant legislations.

After due consideration of the evidence, the Director of Public Prosecutions has today instituted criminal proceedings against Dr Navinchandra Ramgoolam for accepting payments in cash in excess of an amount equivalent to 500, 000 rupees, in breach of section 5 of theFinancial Intelligence and Anti-Money Laundering Act.

The Director of Public Prosecutions has furthermore advised the Commissioner of Police –

(a) to make a written report to the Integrity Reporting Services Agency under section 9(2) of the Good Governance and Integrity Reporting Act; and

(b) to refer their enquiry to the Mauritius Revenue Authority for possible revenue offences.

Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

This 20th October 2017 


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