Voici la Une du News on Sunday de ce vendredi 09 Novembre 2018
World Diabetes Day : Does Diabetes Blight Work Productivity?
Statistics show that around 250,000 people suffer from diabetes while some 200,000 persons are at a pre-diabetic stage in Mauritius. Research conducted on an international scale has shown that diabetes and productivity have a direct link. Ranked 7th in the world for high prevalence, Mauritius is not spared either. It is an alarming situation indeed for a small island like ours where human resources play a vital role.
The 2nd African Space Generation Workshop Mauritius : Enhancing the Space and Scientific Engagements in the African Continent
Following the success of the first African Space Generation Workshop (AF-SGW) in Nigeria last year, the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), in support of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications, is organising its major event in Mauritius on the 17th and 18th of December 2018.
Priscilla Balgobin-Bhoyrul : “Biggest challenge would be protection of confidential information”
Recently, it was announced that Dentons, the world largest law firm, combined with two firms in Mauritius. One of them is Balgobin Chambers. Barrister-at-Law and Senior Partner, Priscilla Balgobin-Bhoyrul explains that partnering with Dentons is not only a huge step for her firm but for the country as well. In this interview, Priscilla Balgobin-Bhoyrul elaborates on Dentons’s strategy and how technology has impacted legal world.
World Interact Week : Young People on Building Better Communities
Celebrated every year during the week of 5th November, the World Interact Week is meant to commemorate the founding of the first Interact Club in 1962. This week, we met the Presidents of the various Interacts, who are indeed inspiring young generations willing to walk to make a difference.
Maya Rabbat Masson : Elevating Businesses Through Coaching
A Business and Executive Coach since eight years, Maya Rabbat Masson works with CEOs, business owners, managing directors of different industries in view of sharpening their leadership skills and in getting the best out of their teams. Originally a Lebanese, she has now settled in Mauritius after getting married to a native.
Transport woes : Awaiting a major upheaval
The government has ruled out UBER. The company will not be allowed to operate in Mauritius. The various protests carried out by the representatives of taxi unions seem to have borne their fruit. This decision also opens opportunities for local start-ups in e-booking facilities. But are taxi owners open to a major overhaul of the sector to improve services and garner the support of the travelling public?

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