News on Sunday

Shiv Khera conference: Becoming a better leader through values

The motivational guru Shiv Khera captivated the Mauritian audience during a one day workshop held on Wednesday at the Trianon Convention Centre on the theme “Optimise Performance by creating a Culture of Trust and Accountability.” The workshop was organised by Whitefield Business School. The themes discussed during the workshop are as follows: Develop leadership skills, build high self-esteem and establish a path to success, build a winning team, value and vision. 


The conference was attended by several politicians, including opposition leader Xavier-Luc Duval and his son Adrien, the president of the Public Accounts Committee Aurore Perraud, former ministers Bunwaree, Choonee and Utchanah.

Winners do things differently

During the workshop, Shiv Khera put much emphasis on leadership skills. According to the motivational speaker, winners don't do different things, they do things differently. “Winners have the habit of doing things that losers do not like to do. For instance, losers do not like to get up in the morning and winners also do not like to get up in the morning, but winners do it anyway. Similarly, both do not like to work but winners work hard.”

Shiv Khera addressed the scourge of modern times when we complain about the lack of time. “Today, more than ever, we have devices that save us time. Paradoxically, we never have enough. It is important to situate what is important and what is essential. Health and relationships with others are important, but they are not inherently urgent. Time flies like an aeroplane that is not being piloted, but where one is simply a passenger. We can be ahead of schedule, but we do not know where we are heading.” 

“ Another practice recommended by Shiv Khera is to give more than what we receive. He took the example of a company where all employees give more than they receive. "

Another practice recommended by Shiv Khera is to give more than what we receive. He took the example of a company where all employees give more than they receive. “Productivity will increase and everyone will progress. If every company adopts this principle, Mauritius will come out as a winner,” he said. According to him, the dynamics of a winning personality are: understanding, empathy, inspiring confidence, enthusiasm, ensuring a positive personality and having self-esteem.

The speaker recommended that everyone should keep a journal in which they should record their actions and future intentions on a daily basis. At the end of 30 days, they will have to analyse the progress made or not. “It is by changing negative practices into healthier habits that we will bring about positive changes in our lives. Most people want to make progress, but few want to pay the price. It is wrong to say that practice makes perfect. Permanent good practices make things better.”

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