News on Sunday

Raouf Gulbul again at the Commission of Drugs on Monday

The president of the Gambling Regulatory Authority and the Law Reform Commission, Raouf Gulbul, was auditioned by former Chief Judge Paul Lam Shang Leen, the chairperson of the commission. During his interrogation, Raouf Gulbul was asked to disclose his assets verbally before the commission.


Among its holdings, there is a portion of land in Mesnil and Highlands, another land in Bagatelle and four office spaces in the Hennessy Tower. He was also questioned about his property in London. He revealed that his children live in London.

The session also focused on the number of drug traffickers he is currently defending. Raouf Gulbul took much time to answer. It was a heated conversation between Paul Lam Shang Leen and Raouf Gulbul. The lawyer has also been called to order on several occasions by Paul Lam Shang Leen. After the session, Raouf Gulbul did not make any statement, as the session was not yet over. He will return on Monday.


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