News on Sunday

PLAGUE OUTBREAK IN MADAGASCAR : A coordinated programme to prevent its introduction in Mauritius

In a Statement at the National Assembly on Tuesday, the Minister of Health and Quality of Life, Dr A. Husnoo, informed the House about the situation regarding the plague epidemic in Madagascar and the preparedness programme coordinated by his Ministry to prevent its introduction and spread in Mauritius.


As at now, Mauritius forms part of the nine countries identified as high risk countries for the spread of plague by the World Health Organisation. In response to this threat, the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life has taken the following measures to prevent the introduction and spread of plague in Mauritius –

  1. a communiqué was issued in the mainstream media advising people to take the necessary precautions when travelling to Madagascar and to travel only in case of necessity, and
  2. surveillance at the Port and the Airport has been reinforced.

At the Port

  •  all ships arriving from Madagascar with valid Ship Sanitation Control Certificates are inspected before permission is given for the ship to dock at the harbour;
  • rat guards are placed on ships arriving and berthed at the quay;
  • in case of evidence of rats on the ship, de-ratting of the ships is carried out;
  • food cargoes are being fumigated before release;
  • ships without valid Ship Sanitation Control Certificates have to remain outside the harbour and will be allowed to enter the Port only after a de-ratting exercise has been carried out;
  • rodent control activities have been intensified;
  •  inspections of all premises in the Port area are being carried out by Public Health Inspectors, and
  •  surveillance for crew members is being carried out as per protocol.

At the Airport

  • all planes arriving from Madagascar are inspected and disinsectised;
  • rodent control activities have been intensified;
  • any passenger arriving from Madagascar and found to be suffering from cough and fever is referred to the Regional Public Health Superintendent;
  • it is being ensured that all incoming passengers, including Mauritians, fill in the Health Declaration and Disembarkation Forms and are screened at the Health Counters. Their particulars are forwarded to the appropriate Regional Health Office for surveillance for 10 days, and
  • all cases of illness are referred to the Regional Public Health Superintendent and any suspected case is admitted at New Souillac Hospital for investigation and treatment.

At Hospital

Moreover, appropriate measures have been taken at the hospital level as regard to preparedness for plague, namely -

  • isolation facilities have been provided for 12 beds at Souillac Hospital;
  • two wards each of 15 beds at Mahebourg Hospital have been converted into isolation wards;
  • a stock of Personal Protective Equipment which includes gloves, gowns, goggles and masks, is available for use by the medical staff;
  • provision of adequate stock of medication has been made;
  • in view of the specific nature of plague and its high fatality rate, protocols and guidelines have been prepared, inter alia, for infection prevention and control, laboratory testing, clinical management of cases, handling of dead bodies and burial, management of clinical wastes and linen and laundry services, and
  • staff and relevant stakeholders are being trained to ensure strict compliance to protocols and guidelines. Continuous Medical Education (CME) is being conducted in all hospitals on this subject.

In addition, the World Health Organisation, the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) and the “Institut Pasteur de Madagascar” have offered their collaboration to the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life in an effort to prevent the spread of plague in Mauritius.


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