It is the one of the most famed emblematic places in Mauritius. Its majestic beauty is often depicted on Mauritius postcards. The Pieter Both mountain attracts thousands of nature lovers, both for hiking adventures and its breath taking views.
Visible from almost all south west and central-north routes, Pieter Both is one of the most iconic mountains in Mauritius. It is also one of the beauties of the island that strike you when you are in a plane and landing. Its majestic peak and lush vegetation mesmerise the eyes.
Named after the first Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, Pieter Both is the second highest mountain of Mauritius after Piton de la Petite Rivière Noire. Located in the Moka range, the mountain stands 820 meters high. What fascinates and attracts all to this mountain is the gigantic rock resting on the very top of it.
It’s most notable feature: the rock is described as resembling a human head. As a matter of fact, a famous local legend is attached to it. It is said that a milkman from the village of Crève Coeur, which is found at the foot of the mountain, used to sell his milk in the surrounding villages among La Laura. One day, he decided to take the Pieter Both path short cut to reach the next village. While walking, he felt tired and decided to rest a bit.
He felt asleep but he woke up upon hearing lovely music. When he opened his eyes, he saw enchanting fairies dancing and singing. The fairies told him not to tell anyone about what he saw or they will turn him into stone. However, overwhelmed by what he saw, the milkman revealed the story to his friends. When the milkman went back, the fairies already knew that he did not keep the secret. They got angry and turned him into stone. His head swelled and went to the top of the mountain. And as the story goes, the rock perched on the tip of the mountain is that of the milkman.
Besides the legend surrounding the mountain, Pieter Both is also famous for hiking inland. From mildly difficult to very challenging, the trip to the mountain is open to different types of hikers. Whether amateur or professional, it is recommended to hike equipped with helmets, ropes and harnesses. Guide services are also available through agencies that organise hiking trips up Pieter Both.
Your trip will start at the foot of the mountain found in La Laura village. The first 600-650 metres of climbing (following the main ridge) takes about an hour. Despite being quite physical, it is mildly difficult and suitable for hikers who are in average physical and health conditions. For the hike not being too challenging, it is preferable to climb the gulley roped up to reach the shoulder of the mountain. If you wish to stop there, you will not be deceived by the amazing views on Crève Coeur Valley and La Laura village. Far away, you can also admire the northern part of Mauritius.
For the adventurous minded, if you are looking for the off-beaten track, then continue the hike. To reach the neck of the mountain, you will have to scramble as well as resort to intense rock climbing. The iron rungs fixed into the rock by the Special Mobile Force and Royal Navy years ago still help climbers but it is safer to scramble your way up with ropes.
For the fearless, if you do not fear heights and you are not faint hearted, you can pursue the adventure trip up to the peak of the mountain. With some confidence and efforts, you can climb up the boulder which is about nine metres in diameter. Once there, take out your camera to capture the scene. Take note that this is the most difficult part, as it is very steep. The summiting is also not recommended when there are passing clouds.
If you decide to hike during summer, do not forget to bring water, hats, sunscreen and sunglasses. Also be careful after rainy days, as the paths are very slippery.

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