News on Sunday

MEET THE EXPATS: Fabien finds his life’s purpose in Mauritius

When Fabien’s wife Melissa got in touch with us on behalf of her French husband regarding this feature, we really didn’t know what to expect. We still didn’t know what to expect when we met the lovely French-Mauritian couple last weekend. However, what unravelled was probably one of the most unique and interesting interviews we’ve had the pleasure of conducting so far. Melissa stood in as translator for the day, as Fabien only speaks French but we can honestly say, we felt a level of connection that went way beyond language. Fabien is a highly spiritual and unique individual, who works very closely with energies of earth, body and soul in order to allow healing processes to occur. Mauritius for him is where he needs to be - where he must be in fact, to fulfil his life’s purpose. This is what happened when we met to discuss his life here on the island…


Fabien, it’s really great to meet you. So firstly, can you tell us how you met your Mauritian wife Melissa?

We met whilst doing voluntary work at an NGO that helps children here in Mauritius.

And what was it that brought you to Mauritius?

The field of energy brought me to Mauritius and also some studies related to natural medicine, including Ayurvedic medicine. In Mauritius I met some spiritual teachers who told me that I have some work to do here. 

After finishing my studies in Mauritius, I went to Asia, more specifically to Thailand, where I met other gurus. I returned to Mauritius, but soon afterwards, I went to India to work at an Ayurvedic clinic. On another trip to India, I met with a great spiritual teacher in order to learn about how illnesses originate in humans.  I’ve met many great gurus on my travels to Asia and even here in Mauritius. I’ve met gurus whom many people don’t have the opportunity of meeting. 

Is your training mainly around Ayurvedic medicine?

My training is in Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Japanese medicine, in particular Reiki, and Thai medicine. 

So before all of this happened, you were living in France. 

I was in France, and then it was around 2010 that my spiritual endeavours began. In fact, these endeavours had begun in my childhood, but I was formatted to do other things in France. We all have things that we can feel inside of us which can’t really be explained when we are children. I went through some challenges in 2012 and I was suffering a lot, and it is at this point that the field of energy opened up to me. Between 2010 and 2012, many people were suffering and the energy was present to do something good for the people, for humanity. 

The first guru I met was in France, and he was a yogi. I went to follow a course in yoga and the first thing that the yogi asked me was: “Why have you come here to meet me?” I replied that I didn’t know. The yogi said that he knew, and it’s because I was starting a new life. This was the first person to give me a key; this key allowed me to open a door. There was a choice to live the life of suffering I was living, or if I was to go ahead and see the energy that would allow me to do something else. Now, today, I am the one that can provide the key. 

So, how long have you been in Mauritius?

It has been five years now. And all the above is the foundation.

Would you say it were your gurus that advised you to come to Mauritius?

It wasn’t the gurus but rather the invisible energy that brought me to Mauritius. Upon arriving here and meeting gurus, I was told that I had some work to do on the level of energy. Energy is to heal people; either by massage and herbal medicine or through speaking and dialogue. In fact, there are two things that could need healing; either the person themselves or the place where the person lives or works – these two things are related. Usually a doctor will aim to help or heal a person, but will never look at the place where the person is. 

Why do I do both? I once healed someone who had inflammation in his elbow, but once this was healed, the illness manifested in another part of the person’s body. After some research, I realised the problem arose either because of where the person was sleeping or where he were working. This work in Europe is called geo-biology. In Asia, its called Feng-Shui. In India, it’s called Vaastu. It’s very important. It’s an ancient type of practice that existed even before the pyramids! 

So, when the problem is with a place (e.g. home or work) how do you go about treating that?

Some research is done on the energy in the place. This is done with the use of a pendulum and some charts. If there is low energy in a house for example, it could result in the people getting sick. There are places however, like holy sites, where a lot of prayer takes place where the energy level is extremely high. 

Is this what you do in terms of your business here in Mauritius?

I do healing and massage therapy and also the geo-biology.

And how has your experience been of working with people in Mauritius? 

Mauritians in general are very open and interested. They originate from a culture that has bestowed upon them the heritage of this type of therapy and healing. There are many people that call upon me because they feel there is an uneasiness in their home. Sometimes there are people who snore and working in their homes with geo-biology techniques such as moving the position of the bed, their snoring is able to cease. There are only two people who work in this way in Mauritius and we often work together. The other person’s name is Deeshal Bhamesh.

I also look at the energy that comes from the earth. From this we’re able to determine sources of water that exist within the earth. 

Is this something that you did in France before moving to Mauritius?

Well, this was familiar to me as my father had searched for water using the dowsing techniques, and I was using the technique to help people who wanted to dig the earth, by searching where water pipes were. I was doing all this without knowing it was a work that could be done as a job. It’s only whilst in Mauritius that I discovered this. 

Do you think you’ll be in Mauritius for a while, or do you plan on going somewhere else?

I think yes, as I was guided to be here. Many people don’t realise that Mauritius is full of energy. Perhaps it is my job to let them know! The way we have been formatted and conditioned through the school system isn’t to teach people about this way. People have been formatted and programmed to wake up to go to work and come home in the evening. There are those who have been ‘un-formatted’ to live their lives and focus on the internal. These people are in the way of awakening. 

What is the most common practice that you undertake for people in Mauritius?

I usually take an energy reading to determine the person’s health. If there is a problem, we do further readings to determine what the ailment is. Then I use Indian and Chinese medicine or Reiki to heal the problem, or utilise Thai massage techniques if there is a mechanical issue. 

There are many people who come to me for sciatic issues, with back problems…etc. After a couple of sessions, they are cured. Those who have issues with cholesterol and diabetes also come to ask for help. 

Can you tell us about some things that you like and dislike about Mauritius?

I really like the diversity of the people here; the different religions… it’s really enriching. The place is also like a paradise, and I really like the heat. What I learned about being in Mauritius is that you must not rush here! If you’re in France and England, there is action and reaction. You pay and you receive something. Here, you pay and you’re not certain you will receive. *laughs* 

In addition, in France I learned to drive in a very specific way with a set of rules. I find driving quite dangerous here. But otherwise it’s very nice and I really enjoy the food here. 

Would you recommend certain places in Mauritius that have good energy for meditation and relaxation purposes?

In fact, you don’t need a particular place; the best place is within yourself. I could give some tips and say go here or there, but the best place is always within yourself. When we are in the energy, it doesn’t matter where you are, even right here, and you can reach a good state of meditation. 

I could speak for hours about energy, but it’s not me who speaks, it’s the energy.

In regards to energy personally, do people have the power to change their own energy?

Yes. The only thing you need to understand is that you need to open your heart. 

Here on the island, what do you like to do in your free time to relax?

You need free time to relax when you are formatted. But when you are no longer formatted you don’t need free time anymore.  *smiles*

Do you see yourself ever going back to France?

If I do it will be for holidays but my country is now Mauritius. But really, we don’t belong to any country - the whole earth is our country. When a person has an ego, it will be he who speaks about ‘their country’. We are all children of the earth. 

What’s coming up for you in the future here, then?

I have a new project in Mauritius called Ecobiocaze. It’s a place where we will learn to cultivate all vegetables, and construct the house and furniture from recyclable products, and consume vegetarian food, and give seminars in sustainability. It’s to promote the well-being to people whilst being self sufficient in terms of energy. Food will be grown for consumption and if any extra food remaining will be sold. And this permits the formatting to stop. The formatting at the moment is a loan is needed to have a home and once this loan is taken, there’s no choice but to work. In the way of formatting, you receive a number in the form of your pay check and this represents the value that you have. 

Sounds fantastic! Has this project started yet?

We’ve worked on the project and formed a co-operative and we just need the land to build it. At the place that we build, people will be able to come to detox, for meditation and yoga, and for healing.

Fabien spoke to us in more detail about his life as a healer in Mauritius and highlighted spending time at Casela Nature Park as a standout experience, when he was called in to heal the animals. During our time together, he also showed us some of the equipment he uses in his practices and even measured our energy levels and used the dowsing method to locate where water was flowing under the earth. It was a truly memorable experience and we would like to thank Fabien and his wife Melissa for sharing some of their world with us.

To find out more about Fabien’s work and healing practices, contact him on or call at 58541467.

By Sabah Ismail & Khalid Khadaroo

If you are an expat living in Mauritius and would like to share your experience of living on the island, please email us on

Sabah and Khalid are a husband and wife team with two young children, hailing from the UK. Having recently set up home in Mauritius, they are on a mission to meet others on the island who have done exactly what they have done: packed up their homes and lives in their home countries and moved to pastures brighter, bluer and more beautiful – Mauritius! They also wish to highlight issues that expats face here just to make life on the island that little bit easier. To be interviewed, please email


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